Persons tagged with ?Science and Technology Studies?

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Ahlers, Anna Lisa Professor II China, political systems, authoritarianism, Science and Technology Studies, Geopolitics, Environmental Governance, local governance
Asdal, Kristin Head of Department Science and Technology Studies, Actor-Network Theory, Climate change, Expertise, Environment and Energy, Science and innovation policy, Science and policy, Politics of nature
Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria Associate Professor +47 22855850 Science and Technology Studies, Politics of knowledge and technology, publics, biological objects, infrastructure, sharing and ownership, open science, bioeconomy, futures, social movements
Druglitr?, Tone Associate Professor +47 22841627 94986339 Actor-Network Theory, Science and Technology Studies, Care Studies, History of Medicine, Human-Animal Studies
Eckhoff, Torjus Solheim Doctoral Research Fellow Digitalisation, Science and Technology Studies, Experts
Engen, Stine Doctoral Research Fellow Science and Technology Studies, Cultural Economy, Green Finance, Economic sociology, Valuation, Social studies of finance, Political philosophy, Philosophy of science
Huse, Tone Associate Professor +47 22855264 Science and Technology Studies
Kaufmann, Mareile Professor Digital Criminology, Surveillance, Science and Technology Studies, Forensic Science, DNA
Knaus, Tanja Doctoral Research Fellow Science and Technology Studies, Software Studies, Critical Data Studies, Interaction Design, Human - Machine Interaction, Machine Listening, Voice Recognition, Affect Theory, Digital Labour
Lahn, B?rd Postdoctoral Fellow +47 414 45 967 Science and Technology Studies, Sociology, Climate change, Futures, Oil and gas, Energy Transition, Climate Politics
Lysg?rd, Sylvia Irene Guest Researcher +47-22841656 Science and Technology Studies, Science and policy, Energy Policy, Renewable energy
Münster, Daniel Associate Professor Medical Anthropology, Environmental Anthropology, Food and Agriculture, Health and/as Ecology, Science and Technology Studies, Historical anthropology, Toxicity, Drugs and Drug Use, Postcolonial Studies, South Asia, India, Kerala, suicide and suicidal behaviour, Mental health, chemical ethnography, alternative agriculture
Reinertsen, Hilde Researcher +47 22841652 Aquaculture, Bioeconomy, Public Sector Management, Policy Studies, Montoring and Evaluation, Foreign Aid, History, Science and Technology Studies, Document Analysis.
Skender, Belma Postdoctoral Fellow Medical History, Historical anthropology, History and Philosophy of Science, Science and technology studies, Infectious diseases
Skorpen, Gro Stueland Doctoral Research Fellow 90 75 62 72 Evaluation, Science and Technology Studies, Anthropology, Ethnography, Digitalisation, Digital ethnography
Tresselt, Hanne Castberg Thee Doctoral Research Fellow Science and Technology Studies, Human-Animal Relations