Persons tagged with ?War and conflict?

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Gill-Leslie, Robyn Postdoctoral Fellow War and conflict, Africa, Sociology of Law, Forensics, Conflict resolution
Goyes, David Rodriguez Researcher +47 45688696 Green criminology, War and conflict, Narrative criminology, Latin America, Criminology, Sociology of Law
Houge, Anette Bringedal Postdoctoral Fellow 99224698 Sociology of Law, International Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice, Criminology, War and conflict, Criminalization, Gender, Conflict-related sexual violence, Sexual violence, Torture, Institutional responses, Institutional knowledge and knowledge transfer
Lohne, Kjersti Professor +47 22850121 +47 97175846 Globalization, International Law, International Criminal Justice, War and conflict, Power, Human Rights, Punishment, Terrorism, Criminology, Sociology of Law
Papendorf, Knut Erich Professor em. Sociology of Law, Discrimination, Prison, War and conflict, Power, Drugs, Rule of Law, Social movements
Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora Professor +47 22850123 Digitalisation, Humanitarianism, Gender, War and conflict, Rule of Law, Terrorism, Welfare law, Sociology of Law
Smith, Peter Scharff Professor +47 22850158 Prison, Solitary Confinement, War and conflict, Human Rights, Sociology of Law
Stamb?l, Eva Magdalena Postdoctoral Fellow +4522360395 EEA and Europe, Globalization, War and conflict, Migration, Drugs, Security, Criminology