Nettsider med emneord ?Sustainathon?

En stand p? Frederikkeplassen med ansatte fra Gr?nt kontor i samtale med nye studenter p? Ombruksdagen. Office staff talking to students. It's sunny with flowers in the forefront.
Publisert 22. jan. 2024 14:29

Vil du l?re mer om UiOs b?rekraftsarbeidet? Har du en super ide som kan gj?re UiO gr?nnere? Eller har du kanskje Ideen som vil redde oss fra klimakrisen? Meld deg p? Gr?nt kontors Sustainathon!

A Green Office stand at Frederikekplassen with Green Office staff talking to students. It's sunny with flowers in the forefront.
Publisert 22. jan. 2024 14:21

Do you want to learn more about sustainability work at UiO? Maybe you have a great idea for how to make UiO greener? Or possibly you have THE idea that will save us from the climate crisis? Then sign up for the Green Office’s Sustainathon!