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Diversity in brain research at UiO

UiO has many life sciences researchers who are working to discover how the brain develops throughout the lifespan and what are the underlying causes of brain disease.

The brain is our most important organ, and represents what it means to be human. All movements, emotions and thoughts are connected with the brain, and even small disruptions to functions and structure can result in disease.

Read more on the Faculty of Medicine’s website (in Norwegian). Numerous faculty research groups that conduct brain research are also listed there.

The image carousel below shows some of UiO’s life science researchers and their brain research. Swipe on the arrows on the picture to move to the next image.

Watch our seminar about the brain

UiO:Life Science arranged a Life Science Lunch on the topic of the brain on 11 December, in collaboration with departments, faculties, the Student Parliament and the Science Library.

At the seminar three researchers who are shown in the image carousel here, talked about their brain research.

By Norunn K. Torheim. Translation by Akasie.
Published Dec. 7, 2015 9:43 AM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2019 6:36 PM