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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 12

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Teemu Pekkarinen is a postdoctoral researcher at the MIT Department of Economics. He will present the paper "Optimal Auction Design with Royalty Payments" (written with Ian Ball).


C*-algebra seminar by Ali Miller (Southern University of Denmark)

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Speaker: Camilla Aukrust, Institute of Health and Society, UiO


Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Margarita Kirneva is a PhD candidate in Economics at CREST-Ecole Polytechnique. She will present the paper "Informing to divert attention."

Tid og sted: , The Education Centre, The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet

The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, the Department of Musicology and the Center for Gender Research at the University of Oslo invite you to an interdisciplinary half-day seminar related to the triple bill Bluebeard's Castle, staged by Tobias Kratzer and conducted by Edward Gardner.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, The Education Center

An interdisciplinary half-day seminar related to the triple bill Bluebeard's Castle, staged by Tobias Kratzer and conducted by Edward Gardner premiering at The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet, January 20.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Evgeniya Kudinova is a PhD candidate in Economics at the London School of Economics. She will present the paper "Exploration, Exploitation, Amelioration: Experimentation with Endogenously Changing Arms."

Tid og sted: , Peisestua (room 304), Svein Rosselands Hus

Unni Fuskeland, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy research group, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Vi er inne i solsyklus 25 og vi opplever den vakreste vinterhimmelen p? mange ?r. Hva g?r vi i m?te og hvorfor er sola s? sterkt tilstede n?? 

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Luisa Wallossek is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Economics at LMU Munich. She will present the paper "The Marriage Earnings Gap" (written with Elena Herold).

How do the political determinants of health shape health outcomes in the Covid recovery era? This workshop aims to take stock of 10 years of scholarship on the political determinants of health and reflect on the future of this research agenda.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Gabriel Lewis is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst. He will present the paper "Worker Voice, Surveillance, and Remote Work: Results from a Survey Experiment."

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Philippe Colo is a postdoctoral fellow at the Oechger Center for Climate Research at the University of Bern and an associate researcher to the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics at ETH Zurich. He will present the paper "Communication Failure: The Hidden Face of the Tragedy of the Commons" (written with Guillaume Pommey).

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Francesco Alosa is a PhD Candidate at the University of Bologna. He will present the paper "Estimating the Elasticity of Turnover from Bunching: Preferential Tax Regimes for Solo Self-employed in Italy."

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Francesco Del Prato is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Paris School of Economics. He will present the paper "‘The Importance of Working for Earnest‘ Climbing the Job Ladder through Firms’ Connectivity".

Tid og sted: , Klubben/Stort m?terom, Georg Sverdrups hus

Senter for tverrfaglig kj?nnsforskning inviterer kolleger og venner til v?rt ?rlige nytt?rsselskap. Det blir nytt?rsforedrag ved forfatter Anna Blix, mat og drikke, og utdeling av pris for beste masteroppgave med kj?nnsperspektiv.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Santiago Hermo is a PhD candidate in Economics at Brown University. He will present the paper "Collective Bargaining Networks, Rent-sharing, and the Propagation of Shocks".

Tid og sted: , Stort M?terom, 2. etg. Georg Sverdrups Hus, Blindern

Arrangert av Kreftoverlevelse p? nye m?ter (CANCUL) og forskergruppen Samfunn, helse og makt (SHEP

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Job talk. Sébastien Montpetit is a PhD Candidate at the Toulouse School of Economics. He will present the paper "A Welfare Analysis of Universal Childcare: Lessons From a Canadian Reform" (written with Pierre-Loup Beauregard Luisa Carrer).

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Guest Speakers: Dr Edwin Ameso, Leipzig University and Dr Lena Kroeker, University of Bayreuth

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen: Stallen, Karl Johans gate 47

Join us for this memorial lecture by Frank Trentmann and a discussion on sustainable consumption.

Tid og sted: , NHA108

C*-algebra seminar by Emilie Elki?r (University of Oslo)

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 171, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus)

Speaker: Rebekah Ciribasi, Department of Social Anthropology, UiO