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Arrangement - Side 6

Tid og sted: , Nye Auditorium 13, Domus Medica

Dr. Anne-Laure Boulesteix, associate professor at the Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, will present her lecture "A plea for benchmarking and against fishing expeditions with focus on the statistical analysis of omics data."

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

National law and European directives, regulations and guidelines regulate development of medicinal product and medical devices. A product's successful journey from research to market and eventually patients requires a well-designed regulatory strategy and several consultations with regulatory authorities.

Dr. Elana Fertig, Associate Professor of Oncology and Applied Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Director of the Sydney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, will present the lecture "Uncovering hidden sources of transcriptional dysregulation arising from inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity."

Dr. Francesca Buffa, Associate Professor, Computational Biology and Integrative Genomics, Department of Oncology, CRUK/MRC Institute, University of Oxford, will present the lecture "In-silico modelling of the tumour microenvironment."

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

What are the most important skills you need to have as an entrepreneur and why is your business model just as important as your product?

Tid og sted: , Kristen Nygaards hus: Store auditorium

Dr. C¨¦line Vallot, Principal Investigator of the "Dynamics of epigenetics plasticity in cancer" group at the Curie Institute, Paris, France, will present the lecture "Tracking the dynamics of chromatin states in tumor cells at single-cell resolution: response and resistance to cancer therapies."

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Funding and partnering is critical when you want to commercialize an academic idea. What are the pitfalls? What is critical? What are the dos and don'ts?

Tid og sted: , Kristen Nygaards hus: Lille auditorium

Dr. Stephan Ossowski, Group Leader at the Institute for Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics, University of T¨¹bingen, Germany, will present the lecture "Computational Analysis of NGS Data for Clinical Diagnostics."

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, auditorium 1, Moltke Moes vei 39

Livsvitskapsbygget ved UiO skal st? ferdig i 2024. F?rste spadetak blir teke f?rste kvartal 2019. Ein stor brukarorganisasjon har vore i sving siste halv?ret og UiO f?r innspel fr? eksterne akt?rer. F? med deg siste nytt om byggeprosjektet og vegen vidare. 

Dr. Alfonso Valencia, Group Leader and Director of the Life Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, will present the lecture "Networks based approaches in biology and biomedicine."

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, Publikumsfoaj¨¦en, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

Hvordan p?virker utseendet v?rt hvilke muligheter vi har p? arbeidsmarkedet og v?r sosiale status? 

Det nye livsvitenskapsbygget ved UiO skal bidra til ?kt verdiskaping og ?kt internasjonal konkurransekraft innen livsvitenskap. For ? realisere visjonen trenger UiO ? h?re hvilke forventninger eksterne akt?rer har til bygget. 

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 3

Interdisciplinary research within the life sciences is in demand, and more and more funding bodies requires collaboration among researchers from different disciplines. However, many reserachers find it hard to create truly interdisciplinary project  which can create new areas of knowledge and new opportunities. In this panel conversation, the Sciences Studies Colloquium aims to promote a practical discussion on how to proceed if one wants to create good and truly interdisciplinary projects. We have invited four of the interdisciplinary projects that were selected to be Convergence Environments in the last call to tell about their process.

Thomas Hanke EVP, Head of Academic Partnerships at Evotec AG will share his insights on successful models for academia¨Cindustry collaboration and lessons learned from evaluating and advancing early stage academic innovations into successful industry projects. He will also introduce Evotec¡¯s BRIDGE concept.

Tid og sted: , Kjelleren, Litteraturhuset

What does responsible research within the Life Sciences mean today, and how can the human and social sciences contribute in this discussion? The Science Studies Colloquium arranges a panel debate, open for everyone, aiming at discussing these questions.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, University of Oslo

Honorary guest and speaker: Holberg Prize Winner and Professor Julia Kristeva, Universit¨¦ Paris Diderot. Key note speakers:  Professor Marie Rose Moro, Universit¨¦ Paris Descartes, Professor Brian Hurwitz, King's College London and Professor Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford.

Roundtable discussion chaired by Brandy Schillace, Editor-in-chief of BMJ¡¯s Medical Humanities Journal (London). Commentary to Julia Kristeva's lecture by Prof. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Emory University).

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus, UiO, Sem S?lands vei 7

Lecture by Professor Jerome S. Engel "Innovation in the Digital Age: How does it impact health care and the life sciences?"

Dr. Eva Maria Novoa, Group Leader of the Epitranscriptomics and RNA Dynamics Group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain, will present the lecture "Elucidation of RNA structure dynamics using second- and third-generation sequencing technologies."

Tid og sted: , Launch Stage, Glassgaten, Oslo Science Park

How can UiO:Life Science?s innovation programme SPARK Norway contribute to turning great ideas from basic research into products?

Tid og sted: , Nationaltheatret, Publikumsfoaj¨¦en, Johanne Dybwads plass 1

Norges store dramatiker Henrik Ibsen jobbet som farmas?ytisk medhjelper p? apotek samtidig som hans dr?m om ? bli forfatter begynte ? spire frem. I Ibsens verk m?ter vi for eksempel flere leger og finner henvisninger til ny kunnskap fra forskningsfronten innen naturvitenskap, ja p? en m?te gir Ibsen oss en ?snikinnf?ring? i realfag i sine verker.

Tid og sted: , Stockholm Waterfront, Nils Ericsons Plan 4

This Academic Catwalk features exciting academic projects from three Nordic countries illustrating the rich and broad research milieus and their motivation to advance their ideas into innovations for patients.

Tid og sted: , Arendal, UiOs skip MS Sunnhordland, Langbryggen

Akademia og industri er gjensidig avhengig av hverandre for at ideer med utspring i grunnforskning skal tas videre til produkt. Gjennom innovasjonsprogrammet SPARK Norway som er etablert ved UiO, tar vi ut det beste fra begge sider for ? bidra til ?kt verdiskaping innen livsvitenskap. Hvilke gap fyller SPARK-programmet? Og er dette modell som b?r spres til hele Norge?

Tid og sted: , Arendal, UiOs skip MS Sunnhordland, Langbryggen

En Stortingsmelding om helsen?ring er p? trappene. Persontilpasset medisin er ett av omr?dene der Norge kan f? stor verdiskaping for b?de pasienter og samfunn. Hvor st?r vi n?, og hvor m? veien g? videre for at vi skal f? fart p? b?de implementering i klinikk og n?ringsutvikling.

Dr. Valentina Boeva, Group Leader at the Institut Cochin, Paris, France, will present the lecture entitled "Discovery of two epigenetic states of neuroblastoma cells via the analysis of super-enhancer landscape."

Tid og sted: , TBD

This meeting is cancelled. Please check our web page for meetings relevant for the SPARK Norway community later.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Lies auditorium, Moltke Moes vei 35

Livsvitskapsbygget ved UiO skal st? ferdig i 2024. F?rste spadetak blir teke f?rste kvartal 2019. Kva er bestemt s? langt om kven og kva som skal inn i bygget? Og kva skjer i byggeprosjektet framover?