Open webinar: How to increase student engagement in online teaching

Join us and talk about how we change how we teach and learn at UiO these days. There will be a presentation followed by discussion and Q&A.

Bildet kan inneholde: kaffe kopp, serveware, sittende, tallerken, kopp.

Talk about: How to increase student engagement in online teaching

Now that all teaching at UiO is going online, many academic staff are wondering how to engage their students online and stay monitor their learning. In this seminar, we discuss some key questions related to these challenges:

  • What are key issues to consider in the design of online teaching?
  • What kind of digital tools can help me to engage my students?
  • How can I develop a pedagogical design that allows me to stay connected to my students?

The seminar will start with brief presentations by Mary Sutphen and Christian Kjekshus from LINK Centre for Learning, Innovation and Academic Development. We then proceed to open discussion and share experiences. 

No registration needed, please log on to the webinar via Please use head phones if you have them, as this minimizes noise for other meeting participants.

Publisert 8. apr. 2020 10:18 - Sist endret 20. apr. 2020 09:27