Snakk om: Flipped classroom, blended learning or …? Designing teaching for a digital fall semester

Join us and talk about how we change how we teach and learn at UiO these days. There will be a presentation followed by discussion and Q&A.

Link to event in the description

Bildet kan inneholde: kaffe kopp, serveware, sittende, tallerken, kopp.

Now that teaching in the fall semester will be offered (partly) online, many academic staff are re-designing their courses/programs. The online context makes it even more challenging to have students participate in activities and engage them with the discipline or professional field. In this seminar, we focus on strategies and approaches that can be used to engage students and adapt teaching to the current situation, taking the following question as the point of departure:

  • How to design course activities that stimulate students’ engagement with disciplinary/professional contents?

The seminar opens with a presentation from Crina Damsa, LINK Centre for Learning, Innovation and Academic Development. Crina will present some key factors to take into consideration when attempting to re-design courses or activities when teaching takes place fully or partially online.

Kristin Vasb?, from the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, will present an example of how she has re-designed her course to increase student participation, encourage a deeper engagement with the subject content, and ensure close integration between learning outcomes, course activities and student assessment.

We then proceed to open discussion and share experiences.

Snakk om:
Snakk om: is an informal meeting space where academic staff, administrative staff and students can come together to discuss issues related to teaching, learning and educational quality in higher education. We usually start with some thematic presentations, followed by Q&A and open discussion.


Publisert 5. mai 2020 14:04 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2021 13:55