
Gates, C: Ancient Cities. The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome, 2003. Routledge, London . ISBN:?0-415-12182-5 pbk. Pensum er kapitlene 1, 3, 5-7, 10, 11-16, 18-22, 24 (200 lesesider).

Gr?slund, B: Arkeologisk datering, 2000. Studentlitteratur, Lund. (45 s.).

Hedeager; L & H. Tvarn?: Tusen ?rs europahistorie. Romere, germanere og nordboere, 1991. Pax Forlag, Oslo. ISBN:?82-530-2251-4. Pensum er side 11-19, 74-185, 276-290.

Hodder, I: The Archaeological Process: an Introduction, 1999 eller senere utgivelse. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.

Sawyer, B & P. H. Sawyer: Medieval Scandinavia. From conversion to Reformation, circa 800-1500 , 1996, 3. utg. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

Scarre, C (red): The human past - World prehistory and the development of human societes, 2005. Thames and Hudson Ltd. Pensum er kap. 1 (introduction) - 2 (African origins) - 3 (Hominin dispersals in the old world - 4 (The rise of modern humans) - 5 (The world transformed: from foragers and farmer to states and empires) - 6 (From foragers to complex societies in southwest Asia) - 10 (Holocene Africa (including Egypt)) - 11 (Holocene Europe) - 12 (The rise of civilization in Southwest Asia) - 13 (The Mediterranean world) - 19 (The human past: retrospect and prospect).

Publisert 24. apr. 2007 18:45 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2007 16:57