
Pensumliste                           ARK1000- Innf?ring i arkeologi                                    h?st2016


Pensumlitteratur merket # anbefales ? kj?pe. Pensumlitteratur merket * finnes i kompendium.


Arkeologiens oppgaver, kildemateriale, teori og metoder:

# Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, 5. edition, 2008. Thames & Hudson, London. Pensum er Introduction (The Nature and Aims of Archaeology) - kap. 1 (The Searchers) - kap. 2 (What is Left ? The Variety of the Evidence). (79 lesesider)


# Alcock, S. & Osborne, R. (red.): Classical Archaeology, 2007. Blackwell, London. Pensum er Introduction (Osborne, R. & S. E. Alcock) - kap. 1 (Snodgrass, A. & M. Millett: What is Classical Archaeology) (50 lesesider)


# Greene, K.: Archaeology: An Introduction, 4. edition, 2002. Routledge, London and New York. Pensum er: kap. 2 (Discovery and Investigation) - kap. 3 (excavation) - kap. 6.6. (Archaeology and the Public). (80 lesesider)


€ Berggren, A. & I. Hodder, Social Practice, Method and Some Problems of Field Archaeology American Antiquity 68, No. 3, 2003, 421-434. (14 lesesider)


* B. Wells, ¡±De olympiska spelen i Athen och antiken¡±, i Pettersson, B., Jennbert, K. & Holtorf, C. (red.), Arkeologi och samh?lle (Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, series in 8o, 58), Lund 2009, 113-124.



# Gr?slund, B: Arkeologisk datering, 2000. Studentlitteratur, Lund. (45 lesesider).


# Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, 5. edition, 2008. Thames & Hudson, London. Pensum er kap. 4 (Dating Methods and Chronology). (54 lesesider)


Kulturhistorisk oversikt:

# Scarre, C (red): The human past - World prehistory and the development of human societes, 2005. Thames and Hudson Ltd. Pensum er kap. 1 (introduction) - 2 (African origins) - 3 (Hominin dispersals in the old world - 4 (The rise of modern humans) - 5 (The world transformed: from foragers and farmer to states and empires) - 6 (From foragers to complex societies in southwest Asia) - 10 (Holocene Africa (including Egypt)) - 11 (Holocene Europe) - 12 (The rise of civilization in Southwest Asia) - 13 (The Mediterranean world) - 19 (The human past: retrospect and prospect).


# Alcock, S. & Osborne, R. (red.): Classical Archaeology, 2007. Blackwell, London. Pensum er - kap. 10 (Morris, S. P. & J. Webster: Linking with a Wider World). (44 lesesider)


*Jensen, J. 2003: Danmarks Oldtid. Bind 3: ?ldre jernalder, 500 f.Kr. ¨C 400 e.Kr. Gyldendal, K?benhavn, s. 12-22 (Europa i opbrud) s.102-115 (Et imperium vokser frem) s.230-237 (Stormagt i syd) s.340-358 (Hinsides den romerske gr?nse) s.378-391 (Et imperium i krise) (51 lesesider)


*Jensen, J. 2004: Danmarks Oldtid. Bind 4: Yngre jernalder og vikingetid. Gyldendal, K?benhavn, s.12-29 (Europa i folkevandringstid), 143-155 (Europa i merovingertid, 263-277 (Europa i vikingetid) (38s)


# Solberg, B. Jernalderen i Norge - ca. 500 f.Kr.-1030 e.Kr. 2000. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. Kap. 2: Kilder og metoder, kap. 6: Folkevandringstid ca. 400-560/570, kap. 7: Merovingertid ca. 560/570-800 (96 lesesider)


* Brink, S. & N. Price (red.): The Viking World, 2008. Routledge, London & New York. Pensum er kap. 8 (Skre, D.: The development of Urbanism in Scandinavia) , kap. 11 Bill, J: Viking ships and the sea (20 lesesider)


* Graham-Campbell, J. & M. Valor: The Archaeology of Medieval Europe. Vol. 1: Eigth to Twelfth Centuries AD, 2007. ?rhus University Press, ?rhus. Pensum er kap. 2 (Leciejewicj, L. & Valor, M: Peoples and Environments) kap. 10 (Arthur, P. & S. M. Sindb?k: Trade and Exchange) - ¨C kap. 14 (O¡¯Keefe, T. with Untermann, M: Religious Buildings)(70 lesesider)


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Publisert 24. mai 2016 10:19 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2016 13:08