
ARK1010 - Europeisk forhistorie fra paleolitikum til bronsealder

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Paleolitikum ¨C Mesolitikum   

Det moderne mennesket

*Gamble, C. og S. Gaudzinski 2005 ¡°Bones and powerful individuals: Faunal case studies from the Arctic and the European Middle Palaeolithic¡±. I The Hominid Individual in Context, redigert av C. Gamble and M. Porr, s. 154-175. Routledge, London. (21 sider)

€ Mellars, Paul  Palaeoanthropology: The earliest modern humans in Europe.  Nature, 2011 (479) 483-485 (2 sider)

€ Shea, J. J. 2011 Homo sapiens Is as Homo sapiens Was. BehavioralVariability versus ¡°Behavioral Modernity¡± in Paleolithic ArchaeologyCurrent Anthropology 52(1):1-35. (35 sider) 

€ Stringer, C., 2012. Evolution: What makes a modern humanNature485, 33-35. (2 sider)

€ Tattersall, I. 2009 Human origins: Out of AfricaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America106(38):16018-16021. (3 sider)


Gravskikk og symboler

€ Formicola, V. 2007 From the Sunghir Children to the Romito Dwarf. Aspects of the Upper Paleolithic Funerary Landscape Current Anthropology 48(3):446-453. (7 sider)

€ Gosman, L., N. D. Munro og A. Belfer-Cohen 2008 A 12,000-year-old Shaman burial from the southern Levant (Israel) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America105(46):17665¨C17669. (4 sider)

€ Pettitt, P. B., M. Richards, R. Maggi og V. Formicola 2003 The Gravettian burial known as the Prince (¡°Il Principe¡±): new evidence for his age and diet Antiquity 77(295):15-19. (4 sider)

€ Wengrow, David and Graeber, David (2015) Farewell to the ¡®childhood of man¡¯: ritual, seasonality, and the origins of inequality. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21 (3). pp. 597-619. 


€ Binford, Lewis R. 1978 Dimensional Analysis of Behavior and Site Structure Learning from an Eskimo Hunting Stand. American Antiquity43(3):330-361 (31 sider)

*Eriksen, Berit Valentin 2000 ¡°Squeezing blood from Stones¡±. I Flintstudier: en h?ndbog i systematiske analyser af flintinventarer, redigert av Berit Valentin Eriksen, s. 231-275. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, ?rhus. (44 sider)

€ Fuglestvedt, Ingrid  2012    The Pioneer Condition on the Scandinavian Peninsula: the Last Frontier of a ¡®Palaeolithic Way¡¯ in EuropeNorwegian Archaeological Review 45(1):1-29. (29 sider)

€ Bergman, I., Olofsson, A., H?rnberg, G., Zackrisson, O., Hellberg, E., 2004. Deglaciation and colonization: Pioneer settlements in northern FennoscandiaJournal of World Prehistory 18, 155-177. (22 sider)

€ Petersen, E. B. 2009 ¡°The human settlement of Southern Scandinavia 12 500-8700 cal BC¡±. I Humans, Environment and Chronology of the Late Glacial of the North European Plain, redigert av M. Street, N. Barton og T. Terberger, s. 89-129. Verlag des R?misch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz.  (40 sider)

Regioner og tilpasning

* Boaz, Joel 1998 The Mesolithic in Eastern Norway. Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter, Ny rekke 20:15-42. (27 sider)

 Otte, M., 2009. The Paleolithic-Mesolithic Transition, In: Camps, M., Chauhan, P. (Eds.), Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions: Methods, Theories, and Interpretations. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, pp. 537-553. (16 sider)

 Price, T. D. 1991 The Mesolithic of Northern Europe Annual Review of Anthropology 20:211-233. (22 sider)

* Skar, Birgitte og Sheila Coulson 1986 Evidence of Behaviour from Refitting - A Case Study-Norwegian Archaeological Review 19(2):90-102. (12 sider)

*Zvelebil, Marek 1985 ¡°Economic Intensification and Postglacial Hunter-Gatherers in North Temperate Europe¡±. I The Mesolithic of Europe, redigert av C. Bonsall. John Donald, Edinburgh. s. 80-89 (9 sider)



Economy and Technology

 Bakka, Egil og Peter Emil Kaland 1971 Early farming in Hordaland, Western Norway . Norwegian Archaeological Review 4(2):1-33. (33 sider)

Neolithisation Process

*Meiklejohn, C., E.B. Petersen og V. Alexandersen 1998 ¡°The Later Mesolithic Population of Sj?lland, Denmark, and the Neolithic Transition¡±. I Harvesting the Sea, Farming the Forest, redigert av M. Zvelebil og R. Dennell, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. s. 203-212 (9 sider)

€ Robb, J. 2013. Material culture, landscapes of action, and emergent causation: a new model for the origins of the european neolithic. Current Anthropology 54(6):657¨C683.

€ Banning, E.B. 2011. So Fair a House: G?bekli Tepe and the Identification of Temples in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic of the Near East. Current Anthropology 52:619¨C660.

€ Makarewicz, C. 2013. A pastoralist manifesto: Breaking stereotypes and re-conceptualizing pastoralism in the Near Eastern Neolithic. Levant 45(2):159¨C174.

€ Prescott, C. 1996: Was there really a Neolithic in Norway? Antiquity 70:77¨C87.


Mobility and Social Organisation

€ Leppard, T.P. 2014. Mobility and migration in the Early Neolithic of the Mediterranean: questions of motivation and mechanism. World Archaeology 46(4):484¨C501.

Kristiansen, K., M. E. Allentoft, K. M. Frei, R. Iversen, N. N. Johannsen, G. Kroonen, ?. Pospieszny, T. D. Price, S. Rasmussen, K.-G. Sj?gren, M. Sikora and E. Willerslev 2017. Re-theorising mobility and the formation of culture and language among the Corded Ware Culture in Europe. Antiquity 91(356):334-347 (9 sider).

€ Furholt, M. 2018: Massive Migrations? The Impact of Recent aDNA Studies on our View of Third Millennium Europe. European Journal of Archaeology, 21,2: 159-191.

€ Hofmann, D. 2015: What Have Genetics Ever Done for Us? The Implications of aDNA Data for Interpreting Identity in Early Neolithic Central Europe. European Journal of Archaeology 18(3):454¨C476.

€ Hofmann, D. 2016: Keep on walking: the role of migration in Linearbandkeramik life. Documanta Praehistorica 43: 235¨C251.

€ Vander Linden, M. 2007. What linked the bell beakers in the third millennium Europe? Antiquity 81:343¨C352.

*Walderhaug, Eva 1995 "Rock art and society in Neolithic Sogn og Fjordane". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen, s. 169-180. Novus forlag, Oslo. (11 sider)

Ritual, Burials and Monuments

€ Nilsson Stutz, Liv 2010: The Way we bury our Dead. Reflections on Mortuary Ritual, Community and Identity at the Time of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition. Documenta Praehistorica XXXVII, 33-41 (8 sider).

* Renfrew, C. 1998: Mind and Matter: Cognitive Archaeology and External Symbolic Storage. In Cognition and Material Culture: the Archaeology of Symbolic Storage, edited by Colin Renfrew and Chris Scarre, pp. 1¨C6. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge.

* Furholt, M. 2012: Monuments and Durable Landscapes in the Neolithic of Southern Scandinavia and Northern Central Europe. In ¡°As time goes by¡± Monuments, Landscapes and the temporal Perspective. Proceedings of the Open Workshop 14th - 18th of March, 2001: Socio-environmental dynamics over the last 12.000 years: the creation of landscapes II, edited by Martin Furholt, Martin Hinz, and Doris Mischka, pp. 115¨C131. Habelt, Bonn,




*Prescott, C. (2000). Symbolic Metallurgy - Assessing Early Metallurgic Processes in a Periphery. In D. Olausson & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Form, Function and Context. Material Culture studies in Scandinavian archaeology (pp. 213-225). Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.

*Ottaway, B.S. & Roberts, B. 2008. "The Emergence of Metalworking". In Jones, A. (ed.). Prehistoric Europe. Theory and Practice, 193-225. Blackwell, Oxford (33 pages)

*Timberlake, S. 2009. "Copper mining and metal production at the beginning of the British Bronze Age". In Clark, P. (ed.). Bronze Age Connections. Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, 94-121. Oxbow Books, Oxford (28 pages)

*Melheim, Anne Lene, and Christian Horn. 2014. "Tales of Hoards and Swordfighters in Early Bronze Age Scandinavia: The Brand New and the Broken". Norwegian Archaeological Review 47(1):18-41.


Sosial organisering

€ Earle, T., J. Ling, C. Uhn¨¦r, Z. Stos-Gale and L. Melheim 2015. The Political Economy and Metal Trade in Bronze Age Europe: Understanding Regional Variability in Terms of Comparative Advantages and Articulations. European Journal of Archaeology 18(4):633-657.

*Earle, Timothy 2002 Bronze Age Economics. The beginnings of political economies. Westview Press, Oxford. Introduksjon til Part III, s. 285-292 og kapittel 12 "The Bronze Age Economy of Thy: Finance in a Networked Chiefdom", s. 293-324. (39 sider)

*Johansen, ?ystein K. 2000 ¡±Gudene til ?re, menneskene til gavn¡± 151-156, ¡±?dsle bronseofringer ¡±156-169, ¡±G?tefulle bergbilder¡± s.223-236 Bronse og makt. Bronsealderen i Norge. Andresen & Butensch?n, Oslo. (5+13+13=31 sider)

*Kienlin, Tobias L. 2012. ¡°Beyond elites: An introduction¡±. In Beyond elites. Alternatives to hierarchical systems in modelling social formations. International conference at the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Germany, October 22-24, 2009. Teil 1, edited by T. L. Kienlin and A. Zimmermann,. Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn. s 15-32. (17 sider)

*Br¨¹ck, J. and Fontijn. D. 2013 The myth of the chief: prestige goods, power and personhood in the European Bronze Age. In The Oxford Handbook of the European Bronze Age, pp. 197. University Press, Oxford.

*Skogstrand, Lisbeth 2005 "Krigerrollen som et maskulint ideal i yngre bronsealder". I Mellan sten och j?rn. Publikasjon av foredrag fra det 9.nordiska brons?ldersymposiet, G?teborg 9.e-12.e oktober 2003, redigert av J.Goldhahn. Arkeologiska Skrifter, G?teborg. s. 659-667 (8 sider)

*Sognnes, Kalle 1995 "The social context of rock art in Tr?ndelag, Norway: rock art at a frontier". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen. Novus forlag, Oslo. s. 130-145 (15 sider)

€ Stig S?rensen, Marie Louise 1992 Gender Archaeology and Scandinavian Bronze Age Studies . Norwegian Archaeological Review25(1):31-49. (18 sider)

€ Melheim, A. L., & Horn, C. (2014). Tales of Hoards and Swordfighters in Early Bronze Age Scandinavia: The Brand New and the Broken. Norwegian Archaeological Review, 47(1), 18-41. doi:10.1080/00293652.2014.920907

*Kristiansen, K. (2010). Decentralized Complexity: The Case of Bronze Age Northern Europe. In T. D. Price & G. M. Feinman (Eds.), Pathways to Power. New Perspectives on the Emergence of Social Inequality (pp. 169-192). New York: Springer.

*Prescott, C., Sand-Eriksen, A., & Austvoll, K. I. (2018). The Sea and Bronze Age Transformations. In E. Holt (Ed.), Water and Power in Past Societies (pp. 177-197). Albany, New York: SUNY Press.

*Anfinset, N. (2017). Crafts and Resources - western Norway in the Late Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. In S. Bergerbrant & A. Wessman (Eds.), New Perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium held in Gothenburg 9th to 13th June 2015 (pp. 153-167). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur


€ Malmstr?m, H., M. Thomas, P. Gilbert, M. G. Thomas, M. Brandstr?m, J. Stora, P. Molnar, P. K. Andersen, C. Bendixen, G. Holmlund, A. G?therstr?m og E. Willerslev 2009 Ancient DNA Reveals Lack of Continuity between Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers and Contemporary ScandinaviansCurrent Biology 19:1758-1762. (4 sider)

 Renfrew, Colin og Paul Bahn 2008, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, ss. 177-230, 391-428, 429-468 Thames and Hudson, London. (53+37+39=129 sider).


Paleolitikum - Mesolitikum

Regioner og tilpasning

Gl?rstad, H. 2008 N?re ting fra en fjern fortid. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.

€ Green, R. E., J. Krause, A. W. Briggs, T. Maricic, U. Stenzel, M. Kircher, N. Patterson, H. Li, W. Zhai, M. H.-Y. Fritz, N. F. Hansen, E. Y. Durand, A.-S. Malaspinas, J. D. Jensen, T. Marques-Bonet, C. Alkan, K. Pr¨¹fer, M. Meyer, H. A. Burbano, J. M. Good, R. Schultz, A. Aximu-Petri, A. Butthof, B. H?ber, B. H?ffner, M. Siegemund, A. Weihmann, C. Nusbaum, E. S. Lander, C. Russ, N. Novod, J. Affourtit, M. Egholm, C. Verna, P. Rudan, D. Brajkovic, ?. Kucan, I. Gu?ic, V. B. Doronichev, L. V. Golovanova, C. Lalueza-Fox, M. d. l. Rasilla, J. Fortea, A. Rosas, R. W. Schmitz, P. L. F. Johnson, E. E. Eichler, D. Falush, E. Birney, J. C. Mullikin, M. Slatkin, R. Nielsen, J. Kelso, M. Lachmann, D. Reich and S. P??bo 2010 A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal GenomeScience328:710-722.

Hodder, Ian 1999 The Archaeological Process. An Introduction. Blackwell, Oxford. (Kapitlene 2-4).

Jensen, J?rgen 2006 Danmarks Oldtid. Stenalder 13.000-2.000 f.Kr. Gyldendal, K?benhavn. (s.9-238)

€ Price, T. Douglas 1983 The European Mesolithic American Antiquity48(4):761- 778.



Jordbruk og neolittiseringsprosesser

*Andersen, N. H. 2009 ¡±Sarupomr?det p? Sydvestfyn i slutningen af 4. ?rtusinde f. Kr.¡± I: Plads og rum i tragtb?gerkulturen. Bidrag fra Arbejdsm?det p? Nationalmuseet, 22. september 2005 . Nordiske Fortidsminder Serie C, Bind 6, Red: A. Sch¨¹lke,Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab, K?benhavn, s. 25-44.

Gl?rstad, H?kon, og Christopher Prescott (red) 2009 Neolithisation as if History mattered. Bricoleur Press, G?teborg:

- Gl?rstad, H. and Prescott, C. ¡°Neolithisation as if history mattered¡± (ca. 7 s).

- Gl?rstad, H. ¡°The Northern Province?¡± (15s)

- Prescott, C. ¡°History in prehistory¡± (ca. 14s)

- Skandfer, M. ¡°History as if Neolithisation mattered: the transition to Late Stone Age in northern Fennoscandia¡± (10s)

€ Kristiansen, K. 2005 What language did Neolithic Pots speak? Colin Renfrew European farming-landscape-dispersal model challenged Antiquity 79:679-691.

M¨¹ller, J. 2011 Megaliths and Funnel Beakers: Societies in Change 4100-2700 BC. Drieendertigste Kroon-Voordracht gehouden voor de Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie En Praehistorie. Te Amsterdam op 8 April 2011.

€ Price, T. D., S. H. Ambrose, P. Bennike, J. Heinemeier, N. Noe-Nygaard, E. B. Petersen, P. Vang Petersen, M. P. Richards 2007 New Information on the Stone Age Graves at Dragsholm, Denmark . Acta Archaeologica 78(2):193-219

Sarauw, T. 2006 Early Late Neolithic Dagger Production in Northern Jutland: Marginalised Production or Source of wealth? Bericht der R?misch Germanischen Kommission 87: 213-272.

Sch¨¹lke, A. 2009 ¡°The Social Use of Space during the Early Neolithic in Northwest Zealand¡±. I: Neolithisation as if History Mattered, Red: H. Gl?rstad and C. Prescott, Bricoleur Press, G?teborg, p. 217-256.

Thorpe, I. J. 1998 The Origins of Agriculture in Europe, Routledge, London. Kapittel 3: The Atlantic Fringe, s. 44-62.

Thorpe, I. J 1998 The Origins of Agriculture in Europe 1998. Routledge, London. Kapitlene 1 "Approaches to the transition to farming", s. 1-21; 2 "The spread of agriculture across Europe", s. 22-43; 4 "The agricultural transition in Southern Scandinavia", s. 63-93; og 6 "Early Neolithic Southern Scandinavia", s. 119-146. (21+27+30+27=105 sider)

?stmo, E. 2007 The Northern Periphery of the TRB. Graves and ritual Deposits in Norway . Acta Archaeologica 78(2):111-142.



Sosial organisering

Dommasnes, L. H. and G. Mandt 2000 "Tanker om tekst og kontekst". Replikk 10:84-89.

Helskog, Knut 1999 The Shore Connection. Cognitive Landscape and communication with Rock Carvings in Northernmost Europe Norwegian Archaeological Review 32(2):73-94.

Hygen, Anne-Sophie og Lasse Bengtsson 2000 Helleristninger i grensebygd. Bohusl?n og ?stfold. Warne forlag, G?teborg. Kapitlene "Motiver, Scener og tradisjoner", s. 87-130, "I m?tet med ¡±De Andre¡±, s. 136-144, "Hvor gammelt?", s.172-184.

Jensen, J?rgen 2002 Danmarks Oldtid. Bronzealder 2000-500 f. Kr. Gyldendal, K?benhavn. Kapitlene ¡±Om bronsealderens kronologi¡±, s. 14-15; Et nyt Europa, s. 57-92; H?jfolkets land, s. 95-139; Nye Tider, s. 329-372 og En svunden kosmologi, s. 441-493.

Johansen, ?ystein K. 2000 Bronse og makt. Bronsealderen i Norge. Andresen & Butensch?n, Oslo.

Kristiansen, Kristian 1999 Europe before history. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kapitlene 2 "Background to the archaeology", s. 18-35 og 4 "Regional systems¡­", s. 63-123

Kristiansen, K. and T. Earle 2015. Neolithic Versus Bronze Age Social Formations: A Political Economy Approach. In Paradigm Found. Archaeological Theory Present, Past And Future. Essays in Honour of Ev?en Neustupn?, edited by K. Kristiansen, L. ?mejda and J. Turek. Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelphia, s. 234-247.


Mandt, Gro 1995 "Alternative Analogies in Rock Art Interpretation". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen, s. 263-291. Novus forlag, Oslo.

?stig?rd, T. 2000 Kj?nnsforskning i arkeologi fra et mannsperspektiv. Replikk 10:65-78.

?stig?rd, T. 2000 Demarkasjon, dekonstruksjon og forskning som prosess. Replikk 11:81-86.


Publisert 12. nov. 2019 13:56 - Sist endret 12. nov. 2019 13:56