
Det greske og romerske privathus: arkitektur og utsmykning i kontekst.



NEVETT, Lisa C. : House and society in the ancient Greek world, 1999. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:? 0-521-00025-4 (paperback) (150 lesesider).

Andrew WALLACE-HADRILL: Houses and society in Pompeii and Herculaneum , 1994. Princeton University Press . ISBN:?0-691-06987-5 (paperback) (150 lesesider).

?Artikler eller bok-kapitler?

Allison, P. 1997: “Artefact distribution and spatial function in Pompeian houses”, i B. Rawson & P. Weaver (red.): The Roman Family in Italy. Status, Sentiment, Space, Canberra & Oxford, 321-354 (30 lesesider)

Bergmann, B. 1994: “The Roman house as memory theater: the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii”, The Art Bulletin 76.2, 225-256 (20 lesesider).

Brandt, J.R. 2003:2: ”Otium et negotium. Nordiske utgravninger i Nemi og den romerske villaen som livsform”, Klassisk forum, 61-82, 10 ill. (15 lesesider)

Brandt, J.R. 2004: "Movements and views. Some observations on the organization of space in Roman domestic architecture from the Late Republic to Early Medieval times", Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia, 12-50 (25 lesesider) – i trykken.

Clarke, J.R. 1991: The houses of Roman Italy 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and decoration, Berkeley – de sider som omhandler analyser av Casa del Menandro og Casa dei Vetti i Pompei (10 lesesider).

Ellis, S.P. 1988: "The end of the Roman house", American Journal of Archaeology 92, 565-576 (10 lesesider).

Grahame, M. 1997: “Public and Private in the Roman House: the Spatial Order of the Casa del Fauno”, i Laurence R. & Wallace-Hadrill A. (red.): Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. Series 22), Porthsmouth, RI, 137-164 (25 lesesider).

Hermansen, G. 1981: Ostia: aspects of Roman city life, University of Alberta Press, 17-53 (35 lesesider)

L’Orange, H.P. 1955: Oldtidsslottet p? Sicilia. Blad av min italienske skissebok, Oslo, 35-79 (30 lesesider).

Reber, K. 2001: “Entwicklungsstufen in der Grundrissorganisation griechischer Wohnh?user“, in J.R. Brandt & L. Karlsson (red.), From huts to houses. Transformations of ancient societies (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom, 4°, 56/Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia 13), Stockholm, 63-69 (5 lesesider).


Generelle, nyttige oppslagsverk og antikke tekster

Adam, J.-P. 1999, Roman building. Materials and techniques, London (eng. oversettelse fra fransk: La construction romain : matriaux et techniques, Paris 1984).

Borghini, G 1989: Marmi antichi, Roma 1989 (oppslagsbok n?r det gjelder marmor- og andre stensorter).

Claridge, A. 1998: Rome, Oxford.

Ling, R. 1998: Ancient mosaics, London.

Ling, R. 1991: Roman painting, Cambridge.

Plinius, Historia naturalis, s?rlig kap. 35

Vitruvius, s?rlig kap. 6.

Utfyllende lesing

Ackerman, J. 1990: The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses, London, 9-61.

Allison, P. 1992: “The relationship between wall-decoration and room-type in Pompeian houses: a case study of Casa della Caccia Antiqua, Journal of Roman archaeology 5, 235-248.

Dunbabin, K.M.D. 1999: Mosaics of the Greek and Roman world.

Ellis, S.P. 1991: "Power, Architecture, and Decor: How the late Roman aristocrat appeared to his guests", i E.K. Gazda & A.E. Haeckl (red.): Roman art in the private sphere: new perspectives on the architecture of the domus, villa, and insula, Ann Arbor, 117-134.

Lind Hansen, S. 1997: “The embellishment of Late-antique domus in Ostia and Rome”, i S. Isager & B. Poulsen (red.): Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity (Halicarnassian Studies II), Odense, 111-124.

Norderval, ?. 2002: “The Benedictine transformation of the Roman villa life”, Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia 16, 31-38.

Peters, W.J.T. & Meyboom, P.G.P. 1993: “Decorazione ed ambiente nella Domus aurea di Nerone”, i E.M. Moormann (red.), Functional and spatial analysis of wall painting (Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Ancient Wall Painting, Amsterdam, 8-12 September 1992), Leiden, 59-63.

Wilson, R.J.A. 1983: Piazza Armerina, London, Toronto, Sydney & New York.

Zanker, P. 1995: Pompeji: Stadtbild und Wohngeschmack, Mainz am Rhein (engelsk oversettelse: Pompeii: public and private life, London & Cambridge (Ma.) 1998).

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 09:10 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2005 20:04