

Tvedt, Terje. The River Nile in the Age of the British. IB Tauris/MacMillan: London/New York, 2004. S. 1-19, 54-189, 321-327.


White, Richard. The Organic Machine: the Remaking of the Columbia River. New York, Hill and Wang, 1995.


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* Anderson, Susan C. "Cultural Ideas of Water and Swimming in Modern Europe", i A History of Water, Series II, Vol. 1. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 250-269.


* Black, Maggie og Jannet King. The Atlas of Water: Mapping the World¡¯s Most Critical Resource. University of California Press, 2009. S. 19-29 og 31-43. N?rmere beskjed fra foreleser.


* Bosch, Toon. "Changing Societies Produce Changing Rivers: Managing the Rhine in Germany and Holland in a Changing Environment 1770-1850", i A History of Water, Series II, Vol. 2. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 263-287.


* Cioc, Mark. "Seeing Like the Prussian State: Re-engineering the Rivers of Rhineland and Westphalia", i A History of Water, Series I, Vol. 1. London: IB Tauris, 2005. S. 239-252.


* Dalland, ?ystein. Telemark ¨C i lys av vannet. Oslo: Landbruksforlaget, 2001. Kap.1:  Skien ¨C ved fosser som steg av havet, s.29-76.


* Doniger, Wendy. "Flood Myths", i A History of Water, Series II, vol. 1. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 424-439.


€ Guldi, Jo og David Armitage. The History Manifesto. Cambridge: Cambridgge University Press, 2014. S. 1-125.


€ Hanak, Ellen, Jay Lund, Ariel Dinar, Brian Gray, Richard Howitt, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle, Barton ¡°Buzz¡± Thompson. Managing California¡¯s Water. From Conflict to Reconciliation. Public Policy Institute of California, 2011. S.19-69.


* Jacobsson, Eva. 2010. "The History of  Flowing Water Policy in Sweden, from Natural Flow to Industrialized Rivers", i A History of Water, Series II, Vol. 2. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S.424-439.


* Mithen, Steven. Thirst. Water and Power in the Ancient World. Harvard University Press, 2012.  Kap 2: The Water Revolution. The origins of of water management in the Levant , 1,5 million years ago to 700 BC, s. 12-44.


* Moland, Tallak. Historien om Akerselva; gjennom de siste 400 ?r. Oslo: Christiania forlag, 2011. S. 5-47, 82-90.


* Nicholson, Helen J. "Water in Medieval Warfare", i A History of Water, Series II, Vol 3. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 138-155.


* Padovani, F. "The Chinese Way of Harnessing Rivers", i Water Control and River Biographies, i A History of Water, Series I, Vol. 1. London: IB Tauris, 2005. S.120-143.


* Quinn, Frank. "Continental Divide: The Issue of Freshwater in Canada-USA Relations", i A History of Water, Series II, Vol. 3.  London: IB Tauris, 2010. S.217-240.


* Rinne, Cathrine, 2010. "Plumbing Ancient Rome", i A History of Water Series, Series III, Vol. I. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 149-175.


* Romero-Lankao, Patricia and Daniel M. Gnatz. "Mexico City: A Tale of Water Development, Its Values and Challenges", i A History of Water Series, Series III, Vol. 1. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S.629-649.


* Solomon, Steven. Water. The Epic Struggle for for Wealth, Power and Civilization. Harper Perennial, 2010. Kap. 3, Rivers, Irrigation and the Earliest Empires, s. 24-58.


Tvedt, Terje. The Enigma of Water. How to Understand the Relationship Between Society and Nature. London/New York: IB Tauris/MacMillan, 2015 (i trykken):


* Wilds, Leah J. "Las Vegas. A City Gambling With Water", i A History of Water Series III, Vol.1. London: IB Tauris, 2010. S. 667-687.


Publisert 26. nov. 2014 13:21 - Sist endret 2. feb. 2015 13:54