


Thomas Krogh: Historie, forst?else og fortolkning (2000). Kapitlene 1,2,3,4,6,8,9 og 10

Helge Jordheim, Anne Birgitte R?nning, Erling Sandmo og Mathilde Skoie: Humaniora. En innf?ring (2008). Kapitlene 4 og 7



Paul Boghossian: Fear of Knowledge, Oxford, 2006.

Bertrand Russell: The Problems of Philosophy, second edition, Oxford, 2001.

Daniel Dennett & Alvin Plantinga: Science and Religion: are they compatible?, Oxford, 2011.

I kompendium:

Edmund Gettier “Is justified true belief knowledge?”

Peter Unger “An argument for skepticism”

G.E. Moore “Proof of an external world”

G.E. Moore “Certainty”

David Hume “The problem of induction”

C.S. Peirce “Induction as a self-correcting process”

C.S. Peirce “The nature of abduction”

Carl Hempel “The raven paradox”

Nelson Goodman “The new riddle of induction”

Tilgjengelig p? nettet:

Jim Pryor: Guidelines on writing a philosophy paper. Kan lastes ned her .

Publisert 26. mars 2012 06:53 - Sist endret 12. juni 2012 11:10