Mainly physical seminar teaching on the seminar variant of EXPHIL03 as of Monday February 7th

As of Monday February 7th in week 6, 2022, it is possible to participate physically in most seminar groups. For the time being, it is possible to participate digitally in all seminar groups.

For the time being, some seminar groups continue with only digital teaching, mainly for the sake of people in risk groups, more specifically seminar group 104 ERN, 110, 119, 208, 210, 218 and English seminar group 24.

In any case, you must check the timetable for your seminar group to see if the teaching there is physical (with the opportunity to participate digitally) or just digital.

Publisert 9. feb. 2022 14:39 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2022 14:39