Innleveringen er utsatt til fredag …

Innleveringen er utsatt til fredag 26. mai pga helligdag.

Oppgavene leveres til studiekonsulent Fredrik Br?ten, rom 411, NT. Husk forside og fuskeerkl?ring.

Final Paper Topics

Paper Due May 25th.

Write on one of the following three topics:

Question 1

Present and evaluate Derose's defense of contextualism in "Bamboozled by our Own Words"

Question 2

Present and evaluate Williamson's criticism of contextualism in "Knowledge, Context and the Agent's Point of View"

Question 3

Present and evaluate Williamson's argument in "Contextualism, Subject Sensitive Invariantism, and Knowledge of Knowledge"

Note that in the presentation of this course, it says: " Oppgavens omfang skal ikke overstige 10 sider"

Ny Tekst for fredag 22. april: Keith Derose: “Bamboozled by Our Own Words”: Semantic Blindness and Some Arguments Against Contextualism

Denne artikkelen er tilgjengelig p? Derose's hjemmeside, Derose: Bamboozled by Our Own Words

Publisert 16. jan. 2006 12:58 - Sist endret 23. mai 2006 15:21