

Michael Walzer: Just and Unjust Wars, A Moral Argument with Historical illustrations, (Basic Books: 2000) (353 sider)

Artikler og utdrag

GEM Anscombe: ¡°War and Murder¡± i GEM Anscombe, Philosophical Papers vol 3, Blackwell 1981: s.51-62

R B Brandt: ¡°Utilitarianism and the Rules of War¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol 1 no 2 (Vinter 1972): s. 145-165

Allen Buchanan: ¡°Institutionalising the Just War¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol 34, nr 1 (2006): s.2-38

C A J Coady: ¡°Terrorism, Morality and Supreme Emergency¡± i Ethics 114 (Juli 2004): s. 772-789

Robert K. Fullinwider ¡°War and Innocence¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol 5 nr 1 (h?st 1975):s. 90-97

Robert E. Goodin: What¡¯s Wrong with Terrorism? Polity Press 2006 (Utdrag ca 30 sider)

James Turner Johnson: ¡°Maintaining the protection of non-combatants¡± i Journal of Peace Research, Vol 37 nr 4 (Juli 2000) s. 419-447

James Turner Johnson: ¡°The utility of Just War Categories for Moral analysis of Contemporary War¡± i Can Modern War Be Just? Yale University Press 1984: s. 11- 29

Immanuel Kant: ¡°On the Disagreement between Morals and Politics in relation to perpetual Peace¡± i Kant, Political Writings, Cambridge University Press 1991: s.116-125

David Luban: ¡°Just Wars and Human Rights¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol 9 nr 2 (1980): s.160-181

Jeff McMahan ¡°Innocence, Self-Defence and Killing in War¡± i Journal of Political Philosophy, vol 2 nr 3 (1994):s.193 -221

David R. Mapel ¡°Coerced Moral Agents? Individual Responsibility for Military Service¡± i Journal of Political Philosophy, vol 6 nr 2 (1998): s.171-189

George I. Mavrodes ¡°Conventions and the morality of war¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol 4 nr 2 (vinter 1975):s. 117-131

David Mellow ¡°Iraq: A Morally Justified Resort to War¡± i Journal of Applied Philosophy vol 23, nr 3 (2006):s. 294-310

John Stuart Mill ¡°Foreign Intervention and national Authority¡± i Reichberg, Syse, Begby (red) The Ethics of War, Blackwell 2006: s.574-585

Thomas Nagel: ¡°War and Massacre¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol 1 no 2 (Vinter 1972): s.123-144

Cheyney Ryan ¡°Self-Defence, Pacifism and the Possibility of Killing¡± i Ethics vol. 93 nr 3 (April 1983): s.508-524

Cheyney Ryan: ¡°Moral Equality, Conscription and the Experience of Soldiers in Combat¡± (upublisert paper, brukes med tillatelse av forfatteren): s.1-30

David Rodin: ¡°Terrorism without Intention¡± i Ethics 114 (Juli 2004): s 752-771

Robert C. Stevenson: ¡°The Evolution of Pacifism¡± i International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 44, No. 4. (Jul., 1934) (s.437-451)

Suzanne Uniacke: ¡°Self-Defence and Just War¡± i Gerechter Krieg, Mentis Verlag 2003: s.64-79

Arne Johan Vetlesen: ¡°Genocide: A Case for the Responsibility of the Bystander¡± i Journal of Peace Research, Vol 37 nr 4 (Juli 2000): s.519-540

Michael Walzer: Obligations, Harvard University Press 1970: s. 77-98, s.120-145

Richard Wasserstr?m ¡°The Laws of war¡± i M. Wakin ed., War Morality and the Military Profession: Westview Press1986: s.391-409

Richard Wasserstrom: ¡°The Relevance of Nuremberg¡± i Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol 1, nr 1 (h?st 1971): s.22-46

Bernard Williams: ¡°Conflicts of Values¡± i Williams, Moral Luck, Cambrigde Universuty Press 1981: s.71-82

Totalt 856 sider

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Publisert 2. nov. 2006 18:01 - Sist endret 2. nov. 2006 18:14