
Publisert 30. mars 2016 10:16

In the message below it said that you would all receive comments in Fronter, however the comments will be sent to each and one of you by e-mail. So please check your student e-mail in the days to come.

Publisert 17. mars 2016 13:55

The obligatory assignments which were submitted yesterday will be corrected by March 31. and you will all receive comments in Fronter. Please remember to check if your assignment has been accepted as satisfactory. In the opposite case you will get the chance to submit it once more by April 7. at 02:00 pm, also in Fronter

Publisert 2. mars 2016 10:17

You will find the topics for the obligatory assignment here.

The submission deadline is March 16. at 02:00 pm in Fronter. The lenght should be 4-5 pages à 2300 characters, literature list not included. Remember that the assignment must be accepted as satisfactory in order to qualify for the final exam.

Publisert 8. jan. 2016 11:01

The topic(s) for the obligatory assignment will be published here on March 2nd. The assignments are to be sublitted in Fronter by March 16th at 2:00pm.