Kort om emnet

Innholdet vil variere fra ?r til ?r, men vil ta utgangspunkt i aktuelle, sentrale problemstillinger innenfor filosofihistorien. Studiet vil ta utgangpunkt i filosofiske tekster, normalt aktuelle forskningsartikler og originaltekster.

H?sten 2006 er temaet "Sensations as Grounds of Empirical Knowledge and Aesthetic Experience".

Ever since the beginning of philosophical thought philosophers have been striving for certainty, for obtaining certain knowledge about the external world and its human inhabitants. They have been relying on two sources of knowledge: sensation and reason. Whereas our faculties of sensation provide us with input from the external world and from our own bodies, our reason allows us to do logic and mathematics, to make the sensitive input (at least to some extent) an object of thought and to interpret it in logical and mathematical terms.

The English term ‘sensation’ comprises both sense perception and emotion. However, sense perceptions and emotions are considered as different in kind. Whereas sense perception is normally understood in terms of the use of one or more of the five senses in order to acquire information about the world, emotion is normally conceived of in terms of internal, essentially subjective, private states that can be more or less pleasant and have an impact on our volition and behaviour.

In this course the focus will be on philosophical theories of sensation in the context of both theories of empirical knowledge and aesthetic experience. We shall read texts both from ancient philosophy, from early modern philosophy and the enlightenment and take a brief look on current aspects of the debate.

Students who attend the course will have the opportunity to participate in a workshop with Professor Kerstin Abraham (Muthesiushochschule Kiel, Germany) organized in cooperation with the Statens Kunstakademi (Oslo) on The Hand as a Sense Organ and as an Artistic Tool.

The course will be taught in English. Exams have to be written in English. Papers, however, can be submitted either in English or in Norwegian.

Only master degree students can apply for admission to this course.

Hva l?rer du?

Emnet tas for ? styrke faglig bredde og m?let er at studenten f?r den skolering innenfor fagomr?det som er n?dvendig for ? senere kunne komme med kvalifiserte filosofiske bidrag.

Opptak og adgangsregulering

Studenter m? hvert semester s?ke og f? plass p? undervisningen og melde seg til eksamen i Studentweb.

Dersom du ikke allerede har studieplass ved UiO, kan du s?ke opptak til v?re studieprogrammer, eller s?ke om ? bli enkeltemnestudent.


Obligatoriske forkunnskaper


Anbefalte forkunnskaper

En fordel ? ha tatt FIL2500 – Fordypning - Filosofihistorie (nedlagt)


14 dobbelttimer seminar. Det forventes aktiv deltakelse fra studentenes side i form av presentasjoner eller fremlegg underveis p? seminaret


4 timers skoleeksamen.

Det gis bokstavkarakterer med graderingene A, B, C, D, E og F. A er beste karakter mens F er stryk.

Adgang til ny eller utsatt eksamen

Evaluering av emnet

Vi gjennomf?rer fortl?pende evaluering av emnet, og med jevne mellomrom ber vi studentene delta i en mer omfattende evaluering.


Undervises f?rste gang h?sten 2003

Fakta om emnet


Dette emnet undervises siste gang h?sten 2006. Deretter erstattes det av henholdsvis FIL4560 - Filosofihistorie frem til 1600 og FIL4600 - Filosofihistorie 1600-1800.


Det avholdes eksamen i dette emnet siste gang h?sten 2006.
