

(Vennligst husk legitimasjon.)


J.G.A. Pocock: ”Languages and their implications; The transformation of the study of

political thought”,i  Politics, Language & Time (Chicago & London, 1989), s. 3-41.


J.G.A. Pocock: “Introduction. The state of the art”, i Virtue, Commerce and History

(Cambridge, 1995), s. 1-34.


 J.G.A. Pocock: The history of political thought: a methodological inquiry”, i Political Thought 

and History (Cambridge, 2010), s. 3-19.


Reinhart Koselleck: Futures Past. On the Semantics of Historical Time.  Camb, Mass 1985.

De essayene i denne engelske oversettelsen som er pensum, er som f?lger:

Begriffsgeschichte and Social History.

History, Histories, and Formal Structures of Time.

Representation, Event and Structure.

Perspective and Temporality.



?vrig pensum:

Michel Foucault: The Archeology of Knowledge Routledge, 2002 (ca 230 sider)


Rorty, Schneewind, Skinner, (eds.)  Philosophy in History, Camb 1984, essay 1 – 9, s 17-225.


Helge Jordheim, Lesningens vitenskap : utkast til en ny filologi. Oslo 2001. (s 293)


Quentin Skinner,Visions in Politics, I. Regarding Method, Camb 2002, essay, 1, 4 og 10.(s 1-8, 57-89 og 175-188)



Publisert 13. mai 2014 15:06 - Sist endret 13. mai 2014 15:23