

Leselisten er retningsgivende for de kunnskaper som studentene forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av kurset.


Armitage, David (2014), “The International Turn in Intellectual History”, i Darrin McMahon og Samuel Moyn (red.), Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History, Oxford (20 s.).

Cowan, Brian (2006), “Intellectual, Social and Cultural History. Ideas in Context?, i Richard Whatmore og Brian Young (red.), Palgrave Advances in Intellectual History, Basingstoke, 171-188.

Darnton, Robert (2003), ?Hva er b?kenes historie?? (“What is the History of Books?”, 1982) i Tore Rem (red), Bokhistorie, Oslo (27 s)

*Foucault, Michel (1999); Diskursens orden, oversatt fra fransk av Espen Schaanning, Oslo Spartacus (63 s).

Kelley, Donald (2005), "Intellectual History in a Global Age", Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 66, No. 2, 155-167

*Krefting, Schaanning, Aasgaard (red) (2017), Grep om fortiden: Perspektiver og metoder i idéhistorie, Oslo, Cappelen Damm, 290 s.

Koselleck, Reinhart (2011); ?Introduction and Prefaces to the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe? i Contributions to the History of Concepts Vol. 6, No 1 2011 (37 s.). Digitalt tilgjengelig fra UB.

Koselleck, Reinhart (1990): ”Crisis”, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 67, No. 2 (1990) (42 s.). Digitalt tilgjengelig fra UB.

Pocock, J.G.A., “The Concept of a Language and the métier d’historian: some considerations on practice”, i Anthony Pagden (red.), The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe, CUP, 1987, 19-38 (19 s).

Rorty, Richard (1984), ?The historiography of philosophy: four genres?, Chap 3 i Rorty, Schneewind og Skinner (eds), Philosophy in History. Essays in the Historiography of Philosophy, Cambridge (27 s.)

Scott, Joan (1986), “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis” I The American Historical Review, vol 91, no 5/1986 (28 s.). Digitalt tilgjengelig via jstor/UB.

*Skinner, Quentin (2002), Visions of Politics vol 1: Regarding Method, Cambridge, kap. 4-6, 8 (83s)

Thorup, Mikke (2013), “Taget ud af sammenh?ng – Om kontekst i idéhistorie” i Slagmark. Tidsskift for idéhistorie, nr 67/2013 (33 s)

Wickberg, Daniel (2014), “In the Environment of Ideas: Arthur Lovejoy and the History of Ideas as a Form of Cultural History” I Modern Intellectual History, 11, 2/2014 (25 s.) Digitalt tilgjengelig via jstor/UB.

Wood, Neal (1978), “The Social History of Political Theory”, Political Theory, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1978, ss. 345-367 (22 s.)


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Publisert 15. mai 2019 13:15 - Sist endret 15. mai 2019 13:15