



Prasad Boradkar, Designing Things: A Critical Introduction to the Culture of Objects (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2010). (271 s.)



Artikler tilgjengelig elektronisk via Universitetsbiblioteket (Gratis tilgang fra datamaskiner tilkoblet UiOs nett):


Elisabeth Guffey, [Anmeldelse av] ¡®DVD. Objectified: The Meaning of Design. Directed by Gary Hustwit¡¯, Design and Culture 3(1) (2011): 113-115. (3 s.)



Adam Arvidsson, ¡®From Counterculture to Consumer Culture: Vespa and the Italian youth market, 1958¨C78¡¯, Journal of Consumer Culture 1(1) (2001): 47-67 (21 s.)


Kjetil Fallan, ¡®¡°One Must Offer ¡®Something for Everyone¡¯¡±: Designing Crockery for Consumer Consent in 1950s¡¯ Norway¡¯, Journal of Design History 22(2) (2009): 133-146. (14 s.)


Gert Selle, ¡®There Is No Kitsch, There Is Only Design!¡¯, Design Issues 1(1) (1984): 41-52. (12 s.)


Birgit Helene Jevnaker, ¡®"Vita Activa": On Relationships between Design(ers) and Business¡¯, Design Issues 21(3) (2005): 25-44. (20 s.)


Kjetil Fallan, ¡®¡±The ¡®Designer¡¯¡ªthe 11th Plague¡±: Design Discourse from Consumer Activism to Environmentalism in 1960s Norway¡¯, Design Issues 27(4) (2011): 30-42. (13 s.)


Bj?rn Hatterud, ¡¯Hvorfor r?ner ikke kulturradikalere?¡¯, Samtiden nr. 2 ¨C 2006: 54-59. (6 s.)



Kjetil Fallan, ¡®De-scribing Design: Appropriating Script Analysis to Design History¡¯ Design Issues 24(4) (2008): 61-72. (12 s.)


Grace Lees-Maffei, ¡®From Service to Self-Servise: Advice Literature as Design Discourse, 1920-1970¡¯, Journal of Design History 14(3) (2001): 187-204. (18 s.)


Grace Lees-Maffei, ¡®The Production¨CConsumption¨CMediation Paradigm¡¯, Journal of Design History 22(4) (2009): 351-373. (23 s.)


Jeremy Aynsley & Francesca Berry, ¡®Publishing the Modern Home: Magazines and the Domestic Interior 1870-1965¡¯, Journal of Design History 18(1) (2005): 1-5. (5 s.) [Introduksjon til temanummer]


Claude S. Fischer, ¡¯¡±Touch Someone¡±: The Telephone Industry Discovers Sociability¡¯, Technology and Culture 29(1) (1988): 32-61. (30 s.)


Paul Atkinson, ¡¯Man in a Briefcase: The Social Construction of the Laptop Computer and the Emergence of a Type Form¡¯, Journal of Design History 18(2) (2005): 191-204. (14 s.)


Steve Baker, ¡¯Re-reading The Corporate Personality¡¯, Journal of Design History 2(4) (1989): 275-290. (16 s.)




Tekster i kompendium:


Dick Hebdige, ¡®Object as Image: the Italian Scooter Cycle¡¯, i Dick Hebdige, Hiding in the Light: On Images and Things (London: Routledge, 1988), ss. 77-115. (39 s.)


Thomas Brandt, Frie hjerter og sm? motorer: kulturell produksjon, formidling og bruk av den italienske Vespa-scooteren, 1946-1969 [Doktoravhandling] (Trondheim: NTNU, 2006), ss. 51-82. (Utdrag: Kapittel 3: ¡®Den disiplinerte kohort ¨C de organiserte Vespa-kj?rerne¡¯). (32 s.)


Reyner Banham, ¡¯Sex and the Single Lens¡¯, New Society, 19. desember 1974, ss. 763-764.


Steven Lubar, ¡¯Men/Women/Production/Consumption¡¯, i Roger Horowitz og Arwen Mohun (red.), His and Hers: Gender, Consumption, and Technology (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1998), ss. 7-32. (26 s)


Pat Kirkham & Judy Attfield, ¡¯Introduction¡¯, i Pat Kirkham (red.), The Gendered Object (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996), ss. 1-10. (10 s.)


Susie McKellar, ¡¯Guns: the ¡±last frontier on the road to equality¡±?¡¯, i Pat Kirkham (red.), The Gendered Object (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996), ss. 70-78. (9 s.)


Judy Attfield, ¡¯Barbie and Action Man: adult toys for girls and boys, 1959-1993¡¯, i Pat Kirkham (red.), The Gendered Object (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1996), ss. 80-88. (9 s.)


Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Imagining Consumers: Design and Innovation from Wedgwood to Corning (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000), ss. 127-167. (Utdrag: Kap. 4: ¡¯Fiesta!¡¯) (41 s.)


Judy Attfield, Wild Things: The Material Culture of Everyday Life (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2000), ss. 99-120. (Utdrag: Kapittel 4: ¡®Continuity: Authenticity and the Paradoxical Nature of Reproduction¡¯) (51 s.).


Lasse Brunnstr?m, ¡®Hj?lpmedel f?r ett s?krare och j?mlikare liv¡¯, i Lasse Brunnstr?m (red.), Svensk industridesign: En 1900-talshistoria (Stockholm: Prisma, 2004), ss. 297-323. (27 s.)


Tom Wolfe, ¡¯The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby¡¯, i Tom Wolfe, The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1965), ss. 75-104. (30 s.)


Viviana Narotzky, ¡®Our Cars in Havana¡¯, i Peter Wollen & Joe Kerr (red.), Autopia: Cars and Culture (London: Reaktion, 2002), ss. 169-176. (8 s.)


Gunnar M. Lamvik, ¡®A Fariy Tale on Wheels: The Car as a Vehicle for Meaning within a Norwegian Subculture¡¯, i Merete Lie og Knut H. S?rensen (red.), Making Technology Our Own? Domesticating Technology into Everyday Life (Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1996), ss. 151-168. (18 s.)


Sophie Lovell, ¡¯Core Strength¡¯ [Intervju med Jonathan Ive], Wallpaper, desember 2010, s. 62. (1 s.)


Paul du Gay et al., Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman (London & Milton Keynes: Sage & The Open University, 1997), ss. 1-40. (Utdrag: ¡¯Introduction¡¯ + Kap. 1: ¡¯Making Sense of the Walkman¡¯). (40 s.)


Jean Baudrillard, The System of Objects (London: Verso, 1996 [1968]), ss. 109-133. (Utdrag: Kap. C: ¡¯The Metafunctional and Dysfunctional Systems: Gadgets and Robots¡¯). (24 s.)


Jeremy Aynsley & Kate Forde, ¡¯Introduction¡¯, i Jeremy Aynsley & Kate Forde (red.), Design and the Modern Magazine (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007), ss. 1-14. (14 s.)


Kjetil Fallan, ¡¯The Metamorphosis of a Norwegian Design Magazine: Nye Bonytt, 1968-1971¡¯, i Grace Lees-Maffei (red.), Writing Design: Words and Objects (London: Berg Publishers, 2011), ss. 47-61. (14 s.)


Reyner Banham, ¡¯A Grid on Two Fathings¡¯, i Penny Sparke, Reyner Banham: Design by Choice (London: Academy Editions, 1981), ss. 119-120. (2 s.)


Elisabeth Guffey, Retro: The Culture of Revival (London: Reaktion Books, 2006), ss. 7-28. (Utdrag: ¡¯Introduction: Remembering When We Were Modern¡¯). (22 s.)


Tag Gronberg, ¡¯The Titanic: An Object Manufactured for Exhibition at the Bottom of the Sea¡¯, i Marius Kwint, Christopher Breward og Jeremy Aynsley (red.), Material Memories: Design and Evocation (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1999), ss. 237-251. (15 s.)


Nicky Gregson og Louise Crewe, Second-Hand Cultures (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2003), ss. 143-172. (Utdrag: Kapittel 6: ¡¯Transformations: Commodity Recovery, Redefinition, Divestment and Re-enchantment¡¯). (30 s.)


Lasse Brunnstr?m, Telefonen: En designhistoria (Stockholm: Atlantis/Tekniska museet, 2006), ss. 13-54 & 159-215. (Utdrag: Kapittel 1: ¡¯En apparat f?r kommunikation¡¯ & Kapittel 3: ¡¯Ytan¡¯). (78 s.)


Helena K?berg, ¡¯The Addo House Style: Swedish Moderen as a Sales Argument in the 1950s¡¯, Scandinavian Journal of Design History 13 (2003): 53-66. (14 s.)


Anders V. Munch, ¡®Design as Gesamtkunstwerk: Historical transformations of a vision from Wagner and Morris to Verner Panton¡¯, Scandinavian Journal of Design History 11 (2001): 33-58. (26 s.)


Anders V. Munch, ¡®Throughout any Scale: Design as Thinking in Totalities¡¯, Scandinavian Journal of Design History 14 (2004): 23-46. (24 s.)



Publisert 10. apr. 2014 14:13 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2014 14:13