
Sellars, J. 2006: Stoicism. Berkeley og Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Williams, G.D. (utg.) 2003: De otio. De brevitate vitae. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

ANDRE TEKSTER (deles ut):


De otio er oversatt i Cooper, J.M. og J.F. Procopé (overs.) 1995: Seneca. Moral and Political Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

De brevitate vitae er oversatt i Davie, J. (overs.) 2007: Seneca: Dialogues and Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

De otio og De brevitate er oversatt i Basore, J.W. (overs.) 2001: Seneca: The Dialogues II. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (1. utg. 1931).

Artikler og bokkapitler (ca. 190 s.)

von Albrecht, M. 1971: Meister R?mischer Prosa von Cato bis Apuleius: Interpretationen. Heidelberg: Lothar Stiehm Verlag, s.138-151.

Conte, G.B. 1994: ”Seneca.” I: Conte, G.B. Latin Literature. A History. Baltimore og London: Johns Hopkins University Press, s. 408-425.

Freccero, J. 1988: ”Foreword”. I: Forcione, A., H. Lindenberger og M. Sutherland (utg.): Leo Spitzer. Representative Essays. Stanford: Stanford University Press, s. xi-xx

Griffin, M. 1987: “Philosophy for Statesmen: Cicero and Seneca.”. I: Schmidt, H.W. og P. Wülfing (utg.): Antikes Denken – Moderne Schule (Gymnasium, Beiheft 9; Heidelberg), s. 133-150.

Habinek, T. 1998: “An Aristocracy of Virtue”. I: Habinek, T.: The Politics of Latin literature. Writing, Identity, and Empire in Ancient Rome. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, s. 137-150.

Inwood, B. 2005: “Seneca in his philosophical milieu.” I: Inwood, B: Reading Seneca. Stoic Philosophy at Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press, s. 7-22.

Inwood, B. 2005: “The Importance of Literary Form”. I: Inwood, B.: Reading Seneca. Stoic Philosophy at Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press, s. 31-38 (avsnitt i kapitlet “Seneca and Psychological Dualism”).

Johnson, W.J. 2000: “Toward a Sociology of Reading in Classical Antiquity.” I: The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 121, No. 4, s. 593-627.

Ker, J.: anmeldelse av Williams (2003). Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2003.08.07.

Spitzer, L. 1988: “Linguistics and Literary History”. I: Forcione, A., H. Lindenberger og M. Sutherland (utg.): Leo Spitzer. Representative Essays. Stanford: Stanford University Press, s. 3-41.

Tompkins, J. 1994: ”Sentimental Power: Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Politics of Literary History.” I: Veeser, H.A. (utg.) 1994: The New Historicism Reader. New York og London: Routledge, s. 206-228.

Publisert 4. juni 2009 14:47 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2009 13:00