
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2007Dick Stegewerns? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Introduction. Japan and its prewar and wartime past? McCargo, chap 1&2 ?
30.08.2007Dick Stegewerns? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Postwar history. The occupation, the new constitution, the 1955 structure and the economic miracle. ? Sugimoto, chap 8; McCargo, chap 3&6?
06.09.2007Dick Stegewerns? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Postwar Japan and the outside world. The limitations of the Cold War world order.? McCargo, chap 8?
13.09.2007Naomi Magnussen? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? How to find sources on Japan in the library and the internet? ? ?
20.09.2007Dick Stegewerns ? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Contemporary history. The political reforms of the 1990s and the Koizumi phenomenon.? McCargo, chap 5&6; Gr?nning, chap 13?
27.09.2007Dick Stegewerns ? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Post-Cold War Japan and the outside world. The vision of a normal Japan and the Cold War remnants in East Asia.? McCargo, chap 8?
04.10.2007? ? Autumn holiday: no class? ?
11.10.2007? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Seminar: Presentations of group work? Note: ATTENDANCE OBLIGATORY ?
18.10.2007Prof. Mark Teeuwen? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Religion in contemporary Japan. ? Gr?nning, chap 2?
25.10.2007Prof. Reiko Abe Auenstad.? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Women and gender issues in contemporary Japan. ? Sugimoto, chap 6; Gr?nning, chap 4?
01.11.2007Prof. Arne Kalland? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? The decay of rural society and environmental issues in contemporary Japan. ? Sugimoto, chap 3; Gr?nning, chap 3&6?
08.11.2007Dick Stegewerns ? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus? Pokemon rules. The global spread of Japanese popular culture? Sugimoto, chap 9; Gr?nning, chap 7&8?
15.11.2007? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Seminar: Presentations of group work? Note: ATTENDANCE OBLIGATORY ?
22.11.2007Dick Stegewerns ? Kl. 14:15 -16:00, Auditorium 1 Sophus Bugges hus ? Guidance: How to write an academic paper? + Where is Japan heading? Analysis of recent developments in Japanese society, politics and international relations. ? ?
Publisert 24. aug. 2007 13:42 - Sist endret 12. nov. 2007 12:31