

Kümin, Beat (ed.): The European World 1500-1800. An Introduction to Early Modern History. 2nd Edition. Routledge 2014. (Utvalgte kapitler)


Ginzburg, Carlo: The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth Century Miller, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2013. [Eller i annen utgave. P? svensk: Ginzburg, Carlo: Osten och maskarna: en 1500-talsmj?lnares tankar om skapelsen. Prisma 1988] 

Brook, Timothy: Vermeer's Hat. The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World. London: Profile 2009. [Eller i utgave fra 2008, Bloomsbury Press]. (Kap. 1-5)

Salmi, Hannu: 19th Century Europe: A Cultural History. Wiley 2008. (Kap. 1-6)

Damsholt, Tine: ‘Til kulturhistoriens genealogi’, i: Kulturstudier nr. 1/ 2010, s. 7-24. Online tilgjengelig:

Leseplanen og historisk kildematerial finnes i Fronter.


Oppslagsverk og oversiktslitteratur, anbefalt for programstudenter i kulturhistorie

McCaffery, Peter and Ben Marsden (eds.) 2014: The Cultural History Reader. London and New York: Routledge.

Kinder, Hermann and Werner Hilgemann 2004: The Penguin Atlas of World History. Vol. I: From Prehistory to the Eve of the French Revolution. London: Penguin.

Kinder, Hermann and Werner Hilgemann 2004: The Penguin Atlas of World History. Vol. II: From the French Revolution to the Present. London: Penguin.



Publisert 2. aug. 2017 15:17 - Sist endret 2. aug. 2017 15:17