
Leselisten er retningsgivende for kunnskapen som studenten forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av studiet.

Anderson, Benedict: Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism, 1983 (eller senere). London: Verso. 204 s.

Baumann, Gerd: The Multicultural riddle. Rethinking National, Ethnic and Religious Identities, 1999. Routledge; NY & London 172 s.

Edensor, Tim Ch. 2-4: "Geography and Landscape, Performing National Identity, Material Culture and National Identity" i Edensor: National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life, 2002. Berg: Oxford - New York. s 37-137. 100 s.

Hettne, Bj?rn, Sverker S?rlin & Uffe ?sterg?rd: Den globala Nationalismen. Nationalstatens historia och framtid, 2006. SNS F?rlag. 450 s (grunnbok).

Smith, Anthony D.: The Cultural Foundation of Nations. Hierarchy, Covenant, and Republic, 2008. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. ca 200 s.

Artikler i fronter

Aukrust, Knut: "Det utvalgte folk. Aspekter ved nasjonal identitet" i Norveg 2/1996, 1996. (28 s).

Billig, Michael: "Postmodernity and Identity" i Banal Nationalism, 1995. London. s 128-153 (25 s).

Esborg, Line: "Mellom bakkar og berg. Om den norske EU-motstandens retoriske sted" i Anne Eriksen, Jan Garnert og Torunn Selberg (red): Historien in p? livet. Diskussioner om kulturarv och minnespolitik, 2002. Nordic Academic Press. s 239-257 (18 s).

Handler, Richard: "Is “identity” a Useful Cross-Cultural Concept?" i Gillis, John (red): Commemorations: the politics of national identity, 1994. Princeton. s 27-40 (14 s).

L?fgren, Orvar: "The Cultural Grammar of Nation-Building. The Nationalization of Nationalism" i Pertti Antonen & Reimund Kvideland: Nordic Frontiers, 1993. NIF Publication No 27. s 217-238 (21 s).

Totalt ca 1200 s

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:02 - Sist endret 20. mai 2010 11:12