Persian Analytical Prose

Theme for MES4230 spring 2019

Course Description

This course will focus on close readings of academic, philosophical, and critical texts in Persian on topics from the social sciences and humanities. We will concentrate on reading critically—what is a given author’s argument and how does s/he develop the argument over the course of the text? How do the author’s methodologies, assumptions, and contexts shape the argument and to what effect?  The first eight seminars will cover readings on a range of topics selected by the instructor. Students will select and present on readings for the final two seminars based on their work for their MA theses.  


All readings will be provided as PDFs in Canvas.

Compulsory activity

  • At least 80 percent attendance in class.
  • A draft of the term paper must be approved by the teacher in order to take the exam. The draft should be approx. 2-3 pages long and include a working title, a clearly formulated problem/question/puzzle, and a brief, tentative outline of the argument, along with tentative literature list. The draft sketch is to be submitted in Canvas within a given deadline.


Publisert 23. nov. 2018 09:55 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2018 09:55