Political fault lines in post-revolutionary Iran

Theme for MES4520 spring 2016

Course Content

The course examines fault lines in the politics and society of contemporary Iran. It identifies social cleavages and analyzes the struggle over state authority and the political system since the 1979 revolution. Iran is an Islamic Republic but the form of government is hotly contested. The course delves into popular pressures for democracy, regime survival strategies, and internal factional disputes.

Learning outcomes

Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of Iran, a key country in the Middle East with influence in international politics. The course provides students with insight that enables them to analyze Iran-related questions in the future. Participants will also familiarize themselves with perspectives and approaches in the field of comparative politics. They will acquire analytical tools for the study of revolutions, revolutionary regimes, authoritarian resilience, elite factionalism, identity politics and struggles for democracy to name a few.

Publisert 20. nov. 2019 11:17 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2019 11:17