Dimensions of security in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Theme for MES4520 spring 2017

Course content

In this course dimensions of security in the Israel-Palestinian conflict will be studied from three angles:

Palestinian resistance and the rationalization behind human bombs.

The sense of insecurity and suspicion created by Palestinian violence in Israeli society.

Palestinian collaborators in Israel and the work of the Israeli security services towards collaborators.

You will analyze monographs related to each of these dimensions in the seminars.

Learning outcomes

After having passed this course, you will increase your knowledge on political violence as well as the various dimensions of safety, security, power and resistance in the Middle East conflict(s). You will also develop your analytical skills in reading scientific texts, your understanding of methodology and analysis, and your writing skills.

Publisert 20. nov. 2019 11:21 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2019 11:22