Syllabus/achievement requirements

1. Introduction

? Preziosi, Donald, and Claire J. Farago. (ed) 2004. ‘What are museums for?’, in Grasping the World: The Idea of the Museum. Ashgate. Pp. 1-10.
? Shelton, A. 2013. “Critical Museology: A Manifesto.” Advances in Research-Museum 1(1): 7–23.

2 Historical contexts: museums and colonialism

? Abt, Jeffrey. 2007. “The Origins of the Public Museum.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, ed. Sharon Macdonald, 115–134. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
? Shelton, Anthony. 2006. “Museums and Anthropologies: Practices and Narratives.” In A Companion to Museum Studies, by MacDonald, Sharon, Pp. 64–80. Oxford: Blackwell.

3 The social roles of museums

?    Marstine Janet, 2011, “The contingent nature of the new museum ethics” in Marstine, Janet (ed) Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics Routledge. Pp 3-25.
?    Sandell, R. and Nightingale, E. 2012, Introduction, Museums, Equality and Social Justice, Routledge.  pp.1-9
?    Museums Association, UK,  “What Is Advocacy?” Online also in PDF

4 The material and the immaterial in museums

?    Dudley, Sandra H. 2013. “What, or Where, Is the (Museum) Object? Colonial Encounters in Displayed Worlds of Things.” In The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, 1:3:41–62.
?    Salmond, A. 2012. “Digital Subjects, Cultural Objects: Special Issue Introduction.” Journal of Material Culture 17 (3): 211–28.

5 Cultural diversity in museums  

?    Peers, Laura L., and A. Brown (eds). 2003. ‘Introduction’ in Museums and Source Communities: A Routledge Reader. Pp.1-16.
?    Boast, Robin. 2011. “Neocolonial collaboration: Museum as Contact Zone Revisited.” Museum Anthropology 34 (1): 56–70.

6. Cross-cultural perspectives: museums and Indigenous Peoples

?    Galla, A. et al. 2008. “The First Voice in Heritage Conservation.” International Journal of Intangible Heritage 3: 10–25,d.bGs&cad=rja
?    Kreps, Christina F. 2006. Non-Western Models of Museums and Curation in Cross-cultural Perspective. In A companion to museum studies, ed. Sharon Macdonald, 457-472. Wiley-Blackwell.

7. Cultural property

?    Brown, Michael F. 1998. Can Culture Be Copyrighted? In Current Anthropology 39 (2): 193-222.
?    Geismar, Haidy. 2008. Cultural Property, Museums, and the Pacific: Reframing the Debates. International Journal of Cultural Property 15 (02): 109-122. 

8. Repatriation

?    Appiah K. A. 2009. 'Whose culture is it?' in Cuno, Whose culture?: the promise of museums and the debate over antiquities. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Pp.
?    Alberti, S. et al. 2009. “Should We Display the Dead?” Museum and Society 7 (3): 133–49.
?    Arvanitis, Kostas, and Louise Tythacott (eds) 2014. ‘Introduction’, Museums and Restitution: New Practices, New Approaches. Farnham: Ashgate. Pp.1-18.

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