
Pensum h?sten 2017


B?ker som m? kj?pes:

Pechilis, Karen og Selva J. Raj 2013: South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today. Oxon: Routledge.

Bigelow, Anna 2010: Sharing the Sacred: Practicing Pluralism in Muslim North India. New York: Oxford University Press.

Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli og Pamela Price 2004: Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forlag. (Utsolgt fra forlaget. I fall den ikke lar seg bestille, vil de aktuelle kapitlene gj?res tilgjengelig p? annet vis.)

Resten av pensum gj?res tilgjengelig ved kursstart.


Indiske religioner (1): Hinduisme og sikhisme

Narayanan, Vasudha 2013: ?Hinduism: Practicing tradition today?, i Karen Pechilis og Selva J. Raj (red.): South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today. Oxon: Routledge, s. 38-70 (32 sider)

Singh, Pashaura 2013: ?Sikhism: Practicing tradition today?, i Karen Pechilis og Selva J. Raj (red.): South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today. Oxon: Routledge, s. 222-249 (27 sider)


Indiske religioner (II): Islam og kristendom

Ruffe, Karen G. 2013: ?Islam in South Asia: Practicing tradition today?, i Karen Pechilis og Selva J. Raj (red.): South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today. Oxon: Routledge, s 192-221 (29 sider)

Thangaraj. M. Thomas 2013: ?Christianity in South Asia: Practicing tradition today?, i Karen Pechilis og Selva J. Raj (red.): South Asian Religions: Tradition and Today. Oxon: Routledge, s 160-191 (31 sider)


Bakgrunn: Stat og religi?s kompleksitet

Crowder, George 2013: ?Introduction?, i Theories of Multiculturalism: An Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press, s. 1-37 (37 sider)

Omer, Atalia og Jason A. Springs 2013: ?What is ‘religious’ about religious nationalism??, i Religious Nationalism: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, s. 1-42 (42 sider)

Mahajan, Gurpreet 2002: ?Secularism as religious non-discrimination: The universal and the particular in the Indian context?, India Review 1(1), 33-51 (18 sider)


Mogulske kontraster

Mageli, Eldrid 2004: ?Mogulriket 1526-1720?, i Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli og Pamela Price: Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, s. 152-191 (39 sider)

Sunil Khilnani 2016: ?Akbar: The world and the bridge?, i Incarnations: A History of India in 50 lives, s. 116-123 (7 sider, podcast:

Truschke, Audrey 2017: ?Overseer of Hindu religious communities”, i Aurangzeb: The Life and Legacy of India’s most Controversial King. Stanford: Stanford University Press, sidetall kommer.


Kolonitidens transformasjoner

Pamela Price 2004: ?Britisk etablering og det indiske samfunnet 1793-1885?, i Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli og Pamela Price: Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, s. 221-261 (40 s).

Cohn, Bernard S. 1997: ?Law and the colonial state in India?, i Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge, Delhi: Oxford University Press, s. 57-75 (18 s.)

Appadurai, Arjun (1993): ?Number in the colonial imagination? i Carol Breckenridge og Peter van der Veer (red.): Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives from South Asia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, s. 314-339 (25 sider)


Tilspissing: Uavhengighetsbevegelse, frihet og splittelse

Khilnani, Sunil 2016: ?Lakshmi Bai, rani of Jhansi: Bad-ass queen, 1828-1858?, Incarnations: A History of India in 50 lives, s. 165-171 (6 sider, podcast:

Ruud, Arild Engelsen 2004: ?Uavhengighetsbevegelsen, 1885-1947?, i Arild Engelsen Ruud, Eldrid Mageli og Pamela Price: Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag, s. 262-311 (49 sider)

Sunil Khilnani 2016: ?Gandhi: In the palm of our hands – 1869-1948?, Incarnations: A History of India in 50 lives, s. 289-298 (9 sider, podcast

Sunil Khilnani 2016: ?Jinnah: The chess player, 1876-1948?, Incarnations: A History of India in 50 lives, s. 299-308 (9 sider, podcast

Nair, Neeti 2013: ?Beyond the ‘communal’ 1920s: The problem of intention, legislative pragmatism, and the making of Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code?, The Indian Economic and Social History Review 50(3): 317-340 (23 sider)


Delingen av India sett fra Malerkotla

Bigelow, Anna 2010: Sharing the Sacred: Practicing Pluralism in Muslim North India. New York: Oxford University Press, s. 1-150 (150 sider)


Fellesreligi?se rom sett fra Malerkotla

Bigelow, Anna 2010: Sharing the Sacred: Practicing Pluralism in Muslim North India. New York: Oxford University Press, s. 151-246 (95 sider)


Fellesreligi?se rom og praksiser: Tre perspektiver

Das, Veena, 2012: ?The dreamed guru: The entangled lives of the amil and the anthropologist?, i Jacob Copeman og Aya Ikegame (red.): The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge, s. 133-155 (22 sider)

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2012: ?Divine intersections: Hindu ritual and the incorporation of religious others?, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Journal 4(2), 1- 21 (21 sider)

Hayden, Robert M. 2002: ?Antagonistic tolerance: Competitive sharing of religious sites in South Asia and the Balkans?, i Current Anthropology 43(2): 205-231 (26 sider)


Etnoreligi?s vold og staten

Veena Das 1996 [1990]: ?Our work to cry, your work to listen?, i Veena Das (red.): Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots and Survivors in South Asia. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, p. 345-398 (53 sider)

Van der Veer, Peter 1996: “Riots and rituals: The construction of violence and public space in Hindu nationalism”, i Paul Brass (red.): Riots and Pogroms. New York: New York University Press, s. 154-176 (22 sider)

Ghassem-Fachandi, Parvis 2012:  ?Why do you leave? Fight for us?, i Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India. Princeton: Princeton University Press, s. 31-57 (26 sider)


Multikulturalisme og kj?nn

Forbes, Geraldine 1996: ?Women in Independent India?, i Women in Modern India, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 223-254 (31 s.)

Philips, Amali 2011: ?Sharia and Shah Bano: Multiculturalism and women’s rights?, i Anthropologica 53(2), s.275-290 (15 s.)

Kapur, Ratna 2012: ?Pink chaddis and slut walk couture: The postcolonial politics of feminism lite?, i Feminist Legal Studies 20(1), s. 1-29 (20 s.)


Krenkelser og blasfemi

Khilnani, Sunil 2016: ?M. F. Husain: ‘Hindustan is Free!’?, i Incarnations: A History of India in 50 lives, s. 383-391 (8 sider, podcast

Chandran, Mini 2010: ?The Democratization of Censorship: Books and the Indian public? i Economic and Political Weekly 45(40), side 27-31 (4 sider).

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2013: ?Cosmopolitanism or iatrogenesis? Reflections on religious plurality, censorship and disciplinary orientations?, i Uwe Skoda, Kenneth Bo Nilsen og Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger (red.): Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond. London: Anthem Press, s. 19-40 (21 sider).

Wendy Doniger 2015: ?The fight for the history of Hinduism in the academy?, i Wendy Doniger og Martha Nussbaum (red.): Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right. New York: Oxford University Press, s. 310-326 (16 s.)

Publisert 23. mai 2017 14:03 - Sist endret 23. mai 2017 14:03