Multiling Summer School 2023

11 - 15 September, 3 ECTS without essay, 5 ECTS with essay
The course is for free, but participants must provide travel and accomodation at their own cost.

While there exist several excellent hands-on workshops on statistics and language science, in the current summer school, we would like to cover aspects of the conceptualisation of a study, and the philosophy of science behind doing sound research, focusing on theory building, including `the theory crisis’, model testing and statistical analyses using Bayesian approaches. In this school, we will attempt to answer, among others, the following questions: 

  • How do we create a good experiment?
  • How do we connect the theory to methods/experiments?
  • What are the things we ought to care about when creating a psycholinguistic study?
  • How do we test a model? (includes un update on influential models in language comprehension and production)
  • What is Bayesian statistics and how does it differ from the frequentist approaches?
  • What is a good design from a statistical point of view?

The workshop is suited for advanced students (MA, PhD candidates) and young researchers involved in doing psycholinguistics and experimental linguistics.

INVITED SPEAKERS: Klaus Oberauer, University of Zurich and Audrey Burki, University of Potsdam

To register for the course, please see the information under "Admission" on this course page. 



Publisert 26. juni 2023 13:41 - Sist endret 3. juli 2023 10:43