Welcome to LING4101

We meet Thursdays 1015 - 1200 in seminar room 3, Sophus Bugge's House. Our first class is August 26. At our first three meetings, we will discuss selected parts of Saussure's Course in general linguistics (what parts are specified on the Leganto reading list). Please start reading before our first class - a minimum is pages 8 - 20. Saussure is not easy to read, but he is important for the history of linguistics. 

The timetable shows what text is to be discussed when. Please read the relevant text thoroughly before we discuss it, and bring it to class.

There is an obligatory written assignment. You will get the assignment September 16. The deadline is September 30.

Publisert 18. aug. 2021 14:47 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2021 14:47