

Martin Ball, Nicole Müller, Ben Rutter 2010. Phonology for communication disorders. New York: Psychology Press. 268 s

Katrina Hayward 2000. Experimental phonetics. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. 298 s


Joan Bybee 2001. Phonology and Language Use. Cambridge U P. 32 s ? Kapittel 4: 'Phonological Processes, Phonological Patterns.' Pp 63 – 95

Michael Studdert-Kennedy & Elizabeth W. Gooddell 1995. 'Gestures, Features, and Segments in Early Child Speech.' In: B. DeGelder & Jose Morais (eds). Speech and reading: A comparative approach. Taylor&Francis, pp 65-88. 23 s

Elektroniske artikler

Lastes ned:

Phonetica 49 1992:155-234 (Target article, Commentaries & Response to commentaries) 80 s

? Catherine Browman & Louis Goldstein. Articulatory Phonology: An Overview. Phonetica 49: 155-180

? G.N.Clements. Phonological primes: Features or gestures? Phonetica 49: 181-193.

? J.Kingston & A.H.Cohen. Extending articulatory Phonology. Phonetica 49: 194-204.

? K.J.Kohler. Gestural Reorganization in Connected Speech: A Functional Viewpoint on ’Articulatory Phonology’ Phonetica 49: 205-211.

? C. Scully. Articulatory Actions within a Phonological System and the resulting Complexity of Speech Signals. Phonetica 49: 212-221.

? C.Browman & L. Goldstein. Response to Commentaries. Phonetica 49: 222-234.

Publisert 20. nov. 2012 15:14 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2012 15:19