
Beth Levin and Malka Rappaport Hovav 1995 Unaccusativity: At the Syntax - Lexical Semantics Interface. Cambridge: MIT press. Side 1-133.

Til nedlasting:

Beatrice Santorini and Anthony Kroch 2007 The syntax of natural language: An online introduction. Kapittel 15

Sten Vikner 1999 V-til-I flytning og personfleksion i alle tempora. ?slenskt mál, 19, 81-128.

Marit Julien 2009 Embedded V2 in Norwegian and Swedish

Jorge Hankamer and Line Mikkelsen 2002 A Morphological analysis of definite nouns in Danish. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 14, 2, 137–175.

Helge L?drup A new account of simple and complex reflexives. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 10.3 2007, Pp. 183-201

Andreas Sveen 1996 Norwegian Impersonal Actives and the Unaccusative Hypothesis. Doktoravhandling, Universitetet i Oslo. Kapittel 3. Last ned PDF

Aissen, Judith 2003 Differential Object Marking: Iconicity vs. Economy. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21. s. 435-483.

I kompendium:

H?skuldur Thráinsson 2003 Syntactic variation, historical development and minimalism. Malden, MA: Blackwell. I Randall Hendrick (ed.) Minimalist Syntax (side152-191).

Jane Grimshaw og Vieri Samek-Lodovici 1998 Optimal subjects and subject universals. I Pilar Barbosa et al. (eds.) Is the Best Good Enough? (side 193-219).

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:20 - Sist endret 20. okt. 2010 16:17