
Kopisamling 'ENG1102 Oversettelse og praktiske ?velser' (f?s kj?pt p? Kopiutsalget, Akademika). V?r oppmerksom p? at kopisamlingen er endret fra v?ren 2004, s? pass p? ? kj?pe kopisamlingen som er laget for h?sten 2004. Kopisamlingen inneholder:


  • Gamle eksamensoppgaver i ENG1102 m/sp?rsm?l
  • Gamle grunnfagseksamensoppgaver m/sp?rsm?l
  • Noen lengre oppgaver

Artikler om oversettelsesproblemer:

  • Aitchison, Jean. 1996. Taming the Wilderness: Words in the Mental Lexicon. In Words, Words, Words. The Translator and the Language Learner. Ed. by G.M. Anderman & M.A. Rogers. Clevedon, Philadelhpia, Adelaide: Multilingual Matters, 15-26.
  • Bauer, Laurie. 1998. Dictionaries. Ch. 12 in Vocabulary. London & New York: Routledge, 62-68.
  • Butt, David, Rhondda Fahey, Susan Feez, Sue Spinks & Colin Yallop. 2001. On language as text. Ch. 1 in Using Functional Grammar: An Explorer’s Guide. Sydney: Macquarie University, 2-14.
  • McCarthy, Michael. 1990. Lexical Relations: Collocation. From Ch. 2 in Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 12-15.
  • Tottie, Gunnel. 2002. American English Vocabulary: A Systematic View. Ch. 5 in An Introduction to American English. Malden, Mass. & Oxford: Blackwell, 93-99.

Publisert 6. mars 2005 11:26