

  • Lynn Hunt, Inventing Human Rights
  • Joe Sacco, Palestine
  • Michael Ondaatje,  Anil’s Ghost
  • Jean Sasson, Mayada: Daughter of Iraq
  • J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace
  • Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things
  • Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place

Required theoretical readings (Available on Fronter as PDF files):

  • From Testimony (Shoshana Feldman and Dori Laub): pp.57-92
  • From Mengele’s Skull (Thomas Kennan and Eyal Weizman): pp.9-30
  • From Soft Weapons (Gillian Whitlock): pp.87-105
  • From Precarious Life (Judith Butler): pp.19-49
  • From Black Skin, White Masks (Frantz Fanon): pp.109-137
Publisert 20. okt. 2014 11:30