
Hosking, Geoffrey og Robert Service (eds.): Reinterpreting Russia, 1999. London: Arnold. Ss. 40-73, og 142-223, tils. 114 s.

Moss, Walter: A history of Russia, I-II, 1997. New York: McGraw-Hill. Bind I ss. 151-412, + bind 2, ss.23-431, tils. 669 s.

Tucker, Robert: "Stalinism as Revolution from above", i: Stalinism. Essays in Historical interpretation, Norton, N.Y./London 1977, ss-77-111, tils. 34 s.

Wilson, Andew: The Ukrainians: unexpected nation, 2000. Yale University press. Ss. 40-118, 152-233, 279-310, tils. 190 s.

Publisert 6. mars 2005 03:19