
All pensum blir tilgjengelig i Canvas, i undervisningen eller p? nett.

Ljiljana ?ari?: ?On the semantics of the ‘dative of possession’ in the Slavic languages: An analysis on the basis of Russian, Polish, Croatian/Serbian and Slovenian examples? i Glossos 3 (2002)

Ljiljana ?ari?: ?Prepositional categories and prototypes: contrasting some Russian, Slovenian, Croatian and Polish examples? i Glossos 1 (2001)

Ljiljana ?ari? og ?eljka Brloba?: ?Boundaries of the analysis of spatial prepositions in the framework of Protoype Semantics (exemplified by the preposition na in Croatian, Slovenian, Russian, and Polish)? i Ljiljana ?ari? og Donald F. Reindsl (red.), On prepositions (= Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia 8), Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universit?t Oldenburg 2001, 207–261 (Legges ut i Canvas)

Jouko Lindstedt: ?The Perfect – aspectual, temporal and evidential? i Tense and aspect in the languages of Europe / edited by ?sten Dahl. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2000, 365–383 (Legges ut i Canvas)

Nina Graves: ?Macedonian – a language with three perfects? i Tense and aspect in the languages of Europe / edited by ?sten Dahl. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2000, 479–494 (Legges ut i Canvas)

Silje Susanne Alvestad: ?Canonical and non-canonical uses of the imperative in Slavic? i Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized / edited by Lutz Edzard. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2015, 19–39 (Kopi f?s av fagl?rer)

Greville G. Corbett: ?The morphology/syntax interface: Evidence from possessive adjectives in Slavonic" i Language 63:2 (1987), 299–345

Anna Siewerska: ?The passive in Slavic? i Passive and voice / edited by Masayoshi Shibatani. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins 1988, 243–289 (Kopi f?s av fagl?rer)

Greville G. Corbett: ?Agreement in Slavic? i Position paper, Comparative Slavic Morphosyntax, Bloomington, Indiana 5–7 June 1998; eller Glossos 10, 2010

Jouko Lindstedt: ?Linguistic balkanization: Contact-induced change by mutual reinforcement? i D. G. Gilberts, J. Nerbonne, J. Schaeken (red.) Languages in contact (=Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 28), 2000, 231–46 (Legges ut i Canvas)

Ronelle Alexander: ?On the definition of Sprachbund boundaries: The place of Balkan Slavic? i Ziele und Wege der Balkanlinguistik. Beitr?ge zur Tagung vom 2-6. M?rz 1981 in Berlin. (=Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universit?t Berlin. Balkanologische Ver?ffentlichungen 8), 1983, 13-26 (Legges ut i Canvas)

Stephen Dickey: Kap. 1 ?Preliminaries? (som bakgrunnsinformasjon) + kap. 3 ?The Imperfective General-Factual? i Parameters of Slavic Aspect: A Cognitive Approach. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications 2000, 1-47, 95-124. 

Silje Susanne Alvestad: ?Fake imperfective imperatives in Slavic? i Ebeling, Gr?nn, Hauge & Santos (eds.) Corpus-based Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, Oslo Studies in Language 6(1) 2014, 29-42 

Kursorisk kjennskap til kapitlene ?3. Morphology?, ?4. Syntax? og ?5. Lexis? for spr?kene BKS, bulgarsk eller makedonsk, tsjekkisk, polsk, russisk i Bernard Comrie og Greville C. Corbett: The Slavonic languages, London: Routledge, 1993

Referanselitteratur (i tillegg til Comrie og Corbett 1993):

Guide to the Slavonic languages / De Bray, R. G. A. 1969 (eller amerikansk trebindsutgave 1980: Guide to the South/East/West Slavonic languages)

Steven Franks: Slavic languages i The Oxford handbook of comparative syntax, ed. by G. Cinque and R. Kayne. Oxford University Press 2004, 373-419. (En oversikt over nyere litteratur over morfosyntaktiske emner i slavisk. UHS. Kan ogs? lastes ned som PDF fra Steven Franks’ hjemmeside)

Charles E. Bidwell Slavic historical phonology in tabular form. The Hague: Mouton, 1963. UHS

Ch. 10, ?Surveys of modern Slavic languages? i Common and comparative Slavic: Phonology and inflection: With special attention to Russian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian / Charles E. Townsend and Laura A. Janda. Columbus, Ohio : Slavica, c1996 (Kort f?rsteintroduksjon til spr?kene, med vekt p? diakroni. UHS)

Ch. 9, ?Summary of the major differences in the individual languages?; Appendix: ?Comparison of basic vobabulary (tables)?, ?Some parallel texts in Slavic languages?, ?Dialect maps?, ?Glossaries? i Introduction to the Phonological History of the Slavic Languages / by Terence R. Carlton. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1991.

J?zyki s?owiańskie / Hanna Dalewska-Greń. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo naukowe PWN, 2000 (?Perpendikul?rt? ordnet i relasjon til tradisjonelle oversikter — organisert etter grammatiske kategorier, med omhandling av enkeltspr?kene innenfor hvert enkelt kapittel. UHS)


Publisert 25. nov. 2019 10:38 - Sist endret 4. nov. 2020 16:00