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Alle nedenst?ende pensumtekster er samlet i kompendiet "Tsjekkisk litteraturhistorie. Delpensum"

Chalupeck?, Jind?ich: "The Tragic Comedy of Jaroslav Ha?ek", Cross Currents. A yearbook of Central European Culture, 1983. vol. 23, s. 137-53.

Higgins, Bernie & Vaughan, David: Bo?ena Němcová - the mother of Czech prose,

Gammelgaard, Karen: "Arven fra avantgarden. Et spor i tjekkoslovakisk kulturpolitik 1948-1984" i Svantevit, 1987. vol. 13, s. 102-13.

Gammelgaard, Karen: "Mellem autenticitet og fabulering" Kritikkjournalen, 1996. s. 135-37.

Goetz-Stankiewicz, Marketa: "Editor’s Introduction". I Goetz-Stankiewicz, Marketa (red.). Good-by samizdat, 1992. Evanston: Northwester UP. s. xv-xxvi.

Hoel, Sigurd: "Egon Hostovsky", i Egon Hostovsky, En fremmed s?ker rom., 1950. Oslo: Gyldendal. s. V-XI.

Jungmann, Milan: "Kunderian paradoxes" i Goetz-Stankiewicz, Marketa (red.). Good-by samizdat, 1992. Evanston: Nortwestern UP. s. 153-59.

Kroutvor, Josef: "Prague report: Literature Remains Alive and Well" Triquarterly, 1995. vol. 94, s. 150-54.

Kundera, Milan: "Preface to the French edition of Mirakl (The Miracle Game)" i Solecki, Sam (red.) The Achievements of Josef ?kvoreck?, 1978. Toronto: Toronto UP. s. 25-31.

Porter, Robert: "Karel ?apek: Whoses point of view?" i Porter, Robert, An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Czech Fiction, 2001. Brigthon: Sussex Academic Press. s. 27-51.

Sayer, Derek: "A Cathedral and a Fortress", i Sayer, D. The Coasts of Bohemia, 1998. Princton: Princeton UP. s. 197-18.

?kvoreck?, Josef: "The Good Old Drinking Poet" i ?kvoreck?, J. Talkin? Moscow Blues, 1988. London: Faber & Faber. s. 139-54.

Skyum, Nielsen, Erik: "N?gler til alverden" i Skyum-Nilesen, E. I ?jenh?jde. Klassikerportr?tter, 1999. K?benhavn: Gyldendal. s. 67-70.

Thomas, Alfred: "Patriotism and poetry in Karel Hynek Máchas Máj". I Thomas, A. The Labyrinth of the Word. Truth and Representation in Czech Literature, 1995. München: Oldenbourg. s. 71-89.

Topol, Jáchym: "Den sidste samizdatgeneration", Fredag, 1990. vol. 27, s. 78-85.

Publisert 6. mars 2005 04:07 - Sist endret 8. sep. 2013 22:45