Dear students, there has been …

Dear students, there has been some controversy concerning the date mentioned for delivery of title and "problemstilling" for your term paper (Semesteroppgave). The first we would like to say is: Don't panic! You should present your 'problemstilling' at the seminars for approval. Although it is not obligatory to have this approved by the 10 April, you are welcome to discuss this with your respective seminar tutors beforehand through email or appointment. For those students that turned up at the seminar on the 2. of April, you can send the final title and problemstilling to Kyrre Tromm Lindvig in about a week. Remember: This is to help you get started with the process of writing your term paper. You will not fail if the title or problemstilling needs reworking, we will tell you. You will however not be allowed to deliver your term paper if you do not turn up for your seminar presentation.

Publisert 4. apr. 2008 17:26 - Sist endret 30. apr. 2008 10:15