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Kvifte, T. (2001), ?Hunting for the Gold at the end of the Rainbow: Identity and Global Romanticism. On the Roots of Ethnic Music?. Popular Musicology Online (p? internett): (7 s.)

Ruud, E. (1997), ?Musikk – identitetens lydspor?. S. 29–40 i S. Time (red.) Om kulturell identitet. Ei essaysamling. H?gskolen i Bergen. (11 s.)

Seeger, A. (1992), ?Ethnography of music?. S. 88–109 i H. Myers (red) Ethnomusicology: An Introduction. MacMillan Press. (20 s.)

Shelemay, K.K. (2001), ?Music and Identity?. Kap 8 (s. 249–80) i Soundscapes. Exploring Music in a Changing World. New York: W.W. Norton. (34 s.)

Small, C. (1998), ?Prelude: Music and Musicking?. Kap. 1 (s. 1–18) i Musicking. The Meanings of Performing and Listening. London: Wesleyan Univ. Press. (18 s.)

Thibaud, J.-P. (2003), ?The Sonic Composition of the City?. S. 329–41 i M. Bull og L. Back (red.) The Auditory Culture Reader. Oxford: Berg. (13 s.)

Tonkiss, F. (2003), ?Aural Postcards: Sound, Memory and the City?. S. 303–9 i M. Bull og L. Back (red.) The Auditory Culture Reader. Oxford: Berg. (6 s.)

Publisert 26. aug. 2005 13:05 - Sist endret 8. sep. 2005 00:09