
Reading List

Articles and book chapters are available either in printed compendia handed out first day of classes, free of charge, or online. 

* Reading lists contain required literature and optional reading. Participants are expected to read the required (mandatory) reading to meet the course requirements and participate in the class discussions. Optional articles may partly overlap with the required reading and other optional articles while offering a different perspective on the same question. Some of the optional articles offer a deeper analysis of a problem than offered at this course, whereas other optional articles provide a more general overview or explanation of some basic concepts that would be particularly useful for students without prior knowledge.

P1. Arctic governance:

Borgerson, Scott G. 2008. Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming. Foreign Affairs, 87:2, 63–77.

Ikenberry, G. John. 2014. The Illusion of Geopolitics: The Enduring Power of the Liberal Order. Foreign Affairs, 93:3, 80–91.

Mead, Walter Russell. 2014. The Return of Geopolitics: The Revenge of the Revisionist Powers. Foreign Affairs 93:3, 69–79.

Moe, Arild, Daniel Fj?rtoft and Indra ?verland. 2011. Space and Timing: Why was the Barents Sea Delimitation Dispute Resolved in 2010? Polar Geography, 34:3, 145 –162.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2011. Environmental Security in the Arctic: The Case for Multi-Level Governance. International Journal, 66:4, 835–848.

Underdal, Arild. 2013. Meeting Common Environmental Challenges: The Co-evolution of Policies and Practices. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 15–30.

Young, Oran R. 2009. The Arctic in Play: Governance in a Time of Rapid Change. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24:2, 423–442.


P2. Arctic shipping:

Chircop, Aldo. 2014. "Regulatory Challenges for International Arctic Navigation and Shipping in an Evolving Governance Environment."  Ocean Yearbook Online 28 (1):269-290

Jensen, ?ystein. 2010. Arctic Shipping Guidelines: Towards a Legal Regime for Navigation Safety and Environmental Protection? Polar Record, 44:229, 107–114.

Lasserre, Frédéric and Sébastien Pelletier. 2011. Polar super seaways? Maritime Transport in the Arctic: An analysis of Shipowners’ Intentions. Journal of Transport Geography, 19:6, 1465–1473.

Moe, Arild. 2014. "The Northern Sea Route: Smooth Sailing Ahead?"  Strategic Analysis 38 (6):784-802.

Rottem, Svein Vigeland. 2013. The Arctic Council and the Search and Rescue Agreement: The Case of Norway. Polar Record, 50 (254), 284–292.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2013. Regime Interplay in Arctic Shipping Governance: Explaining Regional Niche Selection. International Environmental Agreements, 13:1, 65–85.


P3. Arctic living resources and the environment:

Bailey, Jennifer L. 2008. Arrested Development: The Fight to End Commercial Whaling as a Case of Failed Norm Change. European Journal of International Relations 14:2, 289–318. 

Harriss, Robert. 2012. The Arctic: Past or Prologue? Environment, 54:5, 3–14.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2009. Trade Measures and the Combat of IUU Fishing: Institutional Interplay and Effective Governance in the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Policy, 33:2, 339–349. 

Hoel, Alf H?kon. 2009. Do We Need a New Legal Regime for the Arctic Ocean? International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 24:2, 443–456.

?tland, Kristian and Kristin Ven Brusgaard. 2009. When Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident. Security Dialogue, 40:3, 333–354.


P4.  Asia in the Arctic:

Baev, Pavel K. 2013. Sovereignty is the Key to Russia's Arctic Policy. Strategic Analysis 37:4, 489–493.

Buzan, Barry. 2010. China in International Society: Is “Peaceful Rise” Possible? Chinese Journal of International Politics, 3, 5–36.

R?seth, Tom. 2014. Russia’s China Policy in the Arctic.  Strategic Analysis 38 (6):841-859.

Stokke, Olav Schram. 2014. Asian Stakes and Arctic Governance. Strategic Analysis 38 (6) (2014), 770–783.


P5. Arctic energy:

Aalto, Pami. 2016. Modernisation of the Russian Energy Sector: Constraints on Utilising Arctic Offshore Oil Resources. Europe-Asia Studies, 68:1, 38-63.

Antje Neumann, Kamrul Hossain. 2014. Does the EU Meet its Policy Objective of "Promoting Sustainable Use of Arctic Resources''? An Analysis from the Viewpoint of Arctic Energy Resources. European Energy and Environmental Law Review 23 (5), pp. 184–197

Claes, Dag Harald and Arild Moe. 2014. Arctic Petroleum resources in a regional and global perspective. In R. Tamnes and K. Offerdal, eds., Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic. Regional Dynamics in a Global World, pp. 97-121. London: Routledge. 

McCauley, Darren et al. 2016. Energy Justice in the Arctic: Implications for energy infrastructural Development in the Arctic. Energy Research & Social Science, online.

Offerdal, Kristine. 2011. The EU in the Arctic: In Pursuit of Influence and Legitimacy. International Journal 66:4, 861–877.

USGS. 2008. Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of Arctic Circle. USGS Fact Sheet 2008–3049.

P6. Arctic Indigenous People:

* Please familiarize yourselves with the permanent Arctic Council participant websites linked from the page:

Duyck , Sébastien. 2011. Participation of Non-State Actors in Arctic Environmental Governance.  Nordia Geographical Publications, 40:4 (2012) 99-110 

Shadian, J.M. 2013. Of whales and oil: Inuit resource governance and the Arctic Council. Polar Record 49/4), 392-405.

Vik, Hanne Hagtvedt and Anne Julie Semb. 2013. Who Owns the Land? Norway, the Sami and the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 20:4, 517–550.

Wilson, Elana and Indra ?verland. Indigenous Issues. In O. S. Stokke and G. H?nneland eds. International Cooperation and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building. London: Routledge, pp. 27–49.


P7. Arctic security and geopolitics:

Keil, Kathrin(2014): "The Arctic: A new region of conflict? The case of oil and gas". Cooperation and Conflict 49 (2): 162-190.

MacDonald, Adam. 2015. The Militarization of the Arctic: Emerging Reality, Exaggeration, and Distraction. The Canadian Military Journal 15(3), 18-28.

Tamnes, Rolf. 2011. Arctic Security and Norway. In J. Kraska (ed.) Arctic Security in an Age of Climate Change, pp. 47–63. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wegge, Njord. 2011. The Political Order in the Arctic: Power Structures, Regimes, and Influence. Polar Record 47:(241), 165–176


L1. Introduction and Jurisdiction rules:

Required reading:

UNCLOS Preamble, arts 2-28, 33-60, 86-111, Article 234, 192-237

Chapter 1 “The Law of the sea in perspective” in Tanaka, Yoshifumi, The International Law of the Sea, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp 3-38 (35 p)

Alexander Proelss, Til Müller, “The Legal Regime of the Arctic Ocean”, Heidelberg Journal of International Law (Za?RV 68 (2008), at p. 651 (from page 651 to page 661, i.e. Part I, Part II.1 and II.2)

Donald R. Rothwell, “International Law and Arctic Shipping”, 22 Mich. St. Int'l L. Rev. 67 2013-2014 

Tore Henriksen, “The future of navigation in ice-covered areas: a view from Arctic”, in R.Caddell, Rh. Thomas (eds), Shipping, Law and the Marine Environment in the 21st Century: Emerging Challenges for the Law of the Sea –legal implications and liabilities”, Lawtext Publishing Limited, 2013, pp 9-34 (25 p)

Louise de la Fayette, “Oceans Governance in the Arctic”, The Int J Marine&Coastal L 23 (2008) 531-566 (35 p)(a good overview article covering topics we work on throughout the law part of the course)

Optional reading:

Lewis M Alexander, “Baseline delimitations and Maritime Boundaries”, 23 Va. J. Int'l L. 503 (1982-1983), pp 503-536 (33 p) – generally on UNCLOS rules applying to determining maritime zones and boundaries

K. Hakap?? and E.J. Molenaar, “Innocent passage – past and present”, Marine Policy Vol 23, No 2 (1999), pp 131-145 (14 p)

Stuart B. Kaye, “Territorial Sea Baselines along Ice-Covered Coasts: International Practice and Limits of the Law of the Sea”, Ocean Development&International Law, 35:1 (2004), 75-102 (27 p)

Chapter 9 “Exclusive economic zone” in R.R.Churchill and A.V.Lower, The Law of the Sea, 3rd edition, Manchester University Press 1999, pp 160-179 (19 p)

Erik Franckx, “Should the Law Governing Maritime Areas in the Arctic Adapt to Changing Climatic Circumstances?”, 41 Cal.W.Int’l L.J. (2010-2011) 397-432 (35 p)

Molenaar E.J. ”Status and Reform in International Arctic Shipping Law”, in E. Tedsen et al. (eds.), Arctic Marine Governance, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38595-7_6, ? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014, pp 127-157


L2. Case study on UNCLOS:

Required reading

Text of the Case study (to be distributed)

UNCLOS Preamble, arts 2-28, 33-60, 86-111, Article 234, 192-237

See L 1

Optional reading:

Alla Pozdnakova, “Offshore installations as the area for environmental protests”, MarIus 456 (2014), pp 289-333 (only Part I and II of the article), available at


L3. Legal regime of the continental shelf:

UNCLOS arts 49 -53, 112-155, 133-149

Christian Reichert, “Determination of the Outer Continental Shelf Limits and the Role of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf”, The international journal of Marine and Coastal Law 24(2009) 387-399 (12 p)

Alexander Proelss, Til Müller, “The Legal Regime of the Arctic Ocean”, Heidelberg Journal of International Law (Za?RV 68 (2008), at p. 651 (from page 661 to page 683, i.e. Part II.3)

Alex G. Oude Elferink, “The Regime of the Area: Delineating the Scope of Application of the Common Heritage Principle and Freedom of the High Seas”, The international journal of Marine and Coastal Law 22 (no 1) 2007, pp 143-176 (33 p)

Churchill, Robin og Geir Ulfstein, ?The Disputed Maritime Zones Around Svalbard?, I: Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, Myron Nordquist, John Norton Moore and Tomas H. Heidar (red.), 2010, s. 551-593.

Optional reading:


Erik Franckx, “The International Seabed Authority and the Common Heritage of the Mankind: The Need for States to Establish the Outer Limits of their Continental Shelf”,  The international journal of Marine and Coastal Law 25 (2010), pp 543-567 (24 p)

Ted L.McDorman, “The Continental Shelf Regime in the Law of the Sea Convention: A Reflection on the First Thirty Years”, The international journal of Marine and Coastal Law 27 (2012) 743-751 (8 p)

Louise de la Faytette, “Oceans Governance in the Arctic”, The Int J Marine&Coastal L 23 (2008) 531-566 (35 p)

E1. Environmental aspects of the construction in a cold climate:

Optional Reading

Valery Lesovik, Arcady Ayzenshtadt, Maria Frolova, Ruslan Lesovik and Valeriya Strokova.

?Green? Composites for North-Arctic Region Development.// The Open Ecology Journal,

2014, № 7, p. 32-36.

Lesovik, VS (2012) Geonics, subject and objectives. Belgorod, 100.

V.S. Lesovik Architectural Geonics Subject and Tasks // Journal of Engineering and Architecture,

Vol. 2(2), December 2014, p. 263-266.

Lesovik, V.S., Vorontsov, V.M., Frolova, M.A., Degtev, Y.V., Fironov, R.I. Peculiarities of

composition materials for architectonical geonics. — Research Journal of Applied Sciences

9 (12), 2014 — pages: 1149-1152

Alexandr S. Tutygin, Anna A. Shinkaruk, Arkadiy M. Aisenstadt, Valeriy S. Lesovik.


COMPOSITES. — Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety,

Volume 8, 2014, p. 54-61

Arcady Ayzenshtadt, Valery Lesovik, Maria Frolova , Alexander Tutygin, Victor Danilov.

Nanostructured Wood Mineral Composite.// Procedia Engineering, 2015, Volume, 117

Pages 45–51.

NS1. Continental shelf and sea-level:

Required reading

Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface, Peter J. Cook and Chris M. Carleton,

editors, Oxford University Press, 2000, Introduction and Chapter 2

Jakobsson, M., A. Grantz, Y. Kristoffersen, and R. Macnab, 2003, Physiographic provinces of the

Arctic Ocean, GSA Bulletin, 115(12), 1443-1455.

NS3. Arctic Climate:


Turner, J. and Gareth J. M. ”Preface and Introduction” Climate Change in Polar regions, editors,

Cambridge University Press 2011, pp. ix-15

Turner, J. and Gareth J. M. ”Chapter 3 ”The high latitude climates and mechanisms of change” ”

Climate Change in Polar regions, Cambridge University Press 2011, pp. 61-161

Miller, G.H.; Brigham-Grette, J.; Alley, R.B.; Anderson, L.; Bauch, H.A.; Douglas, M.S.V.;

Edwards, M.E.; Elias, S.A.; Finney, B.P.; Fitzpatrick, J.J.; Funder, S.V.; Geirsdóttir, A.;

Herbert, T.D.; Hinzman, L.D.; Kaufman, D.S.; MacDonald, G.M.; Polyak, L.; Robock, A.;


Serreze, M.C.; Smol, J.P.; Spielhagen, R.; White, J.W.C.; Wolfe, A.P.; Wolff, E.W., 2013

Paleoclimate, Paleoclimate history of the Arctic. In: Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science.

Elsevier, 113-125.

McClimans, T.A. et al. “Chapter 6 “Interaction with the Global Climate System”” in Arctic

Climate Change, The ACSYS Decade and Beyond, Peter Lemke and Hans-Werner Jacobi,

editors, Springer, 2012, pp 247-271

NS4. Marine ecosystems:

Phillip S. Levin*, Michael J. Fogarty, Steven A. Murawski, David Fluharty, Integrated Ecosystem

Assessments: Developing the Scientific Basis for Ecosystem-Based Management of the

Ocean 2009, PLOS Biology, v7, 0023-0028

C.J.M. Philippart R. Anadón , R. Danovaro , J.W. Dippner , K.F. Drinkwater , S.J. Hawkins, T.

Oguz, G. O'Sullivan , P.C. Reid, Impacts of climate change on European marine

ecosystems: Observations, expectations and indicators, 2011, Journal of Experimental

Marine Biology and Ecology 400, 52–69.

K. Drinkwater, The influence of climate variability and change on the ecosystems of the Barents

Sea and adjacent waters: Review and synthesis of recent studies from the NESSAS Project,

2011, Progress in Oceanography 90, 47–61

NS5. Arctic Geology and Resources:


Spencer, A. M., A. F. Embry, D. L. Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova, and K. Sorensen, 2011, An

overview of the petroleum geology of the Arctic, in Arctic Petroleum Geology, Spencer, A.

M., Embry, A. F., Gautier, D. L., Stoupakova, A. V. & S?rensen, K. (eds), Geological

Society, London, Memoirs v. 35; p. 1-17.

NS6 Exploring the Arctic and Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins:


Grantz, A., R. A. Scott, S. S. Drachev, T. E. Moore, and Z. C. Valin, 2011, Sedimentary

successions of the Arctic Region (58-64 degrees to 90 degrees N) that may be prospective

for hydrocarbons, in Arctic Petroleum Geology, Spencer, A. M., Embry, A. F., Gautier, D.

L., Stoupakova, A. V. & S?rensen, K. (eds), Geological Society, London, Memoirs v. 35; p.


Gautier, D. L. et al., Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic, 2009, Science 324,

1175–1179, DOI:10.1126/science.1169467.

Kristoffersen, Y, 2011, Geophysical exploration of the Arctic Ocean: the physical environment,

survey techniques and brief summary of knowledge , in Arctic Petroleum Geology, Spencer,

A. M., Embry, A. F., Gautier, D. L., Stoupakova, A. V. & S?rensen, K. (eds), Geological

Society, London, Memoirs v. 35; p. 685-703


NS7. Arctic Resources and Law of the Sea


Continental Shelf Limits : The Scientific and Legal Interface, Peter J. Cook and Chris M. Carleton,

editors, Oxford University Press, 2000, Symonds, P.A et al. “Chapter 4 “Characteristics of

Continental Margins”, pp 25-59

NS8. Arctic paleo-environment


J?rn H. Hurum, Jesper Milàn, ?yvind Hammer, Ivar Midtkandal, Hans Amundsen & Bj?rn S?ther,

Tracking polar dinosaurs - new finds from the Lower Cretaceous of Svalbard, 2006,

Norwegian Journal of Geology, Vol. 86, pp. 397-402, ISSN 029-196X.

J. A. Tarduno, D. B. Brinkman, P. R. Renne, R. D. Cottrell, H. Scher and P. Castillo, Evidence for

Extreme Climatic Warmth from Late Cretaceous Arctic Vertebrates, 1998, Science, Vol.

282 no. 5397, 2241-2243, DOI:10.1126/science.282.5397.2241


Publisert 26. mai 2016 15:41 - Sist endret 5. juli 2016 15:20