HTTP/1.1 200 OK server: nginx date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 03:22:57 GMT content-type: application/msword content-length: 112128 strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000 cache-control: max-age=300 vary: Cookie, Origin x-cacheable: YES age: 0 via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish accept-ranges: bytes x-content-type-options: nosniff ࡱ> #`(<bjbj 8^S1%TTTp8TP,2~"(:bbbbbu2w2w2w2w2w2w2$4h6\2 bb 2bb2g%g%g% bbu2g% u2g%g%rs0Ts1b| pc"0u22020P7#P7s1s1VP71b$g%Ebbb22$bbb2 D  CHINA Background: Full name: People's Republic of China Population: 1.3 billion (via UN, 2006) Capital: Beijing Area: 9.6 million sq km (3.7 million sq miles) Major language: Mandarin Chinese Major religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism Political system: The Chinese Communist Party has ruled the country since 1949. The country's most senior decision-making body is the standing committee of the politburo, heading a pyramid of power which tops every village and workplace. The politburo controls three other important bodies and ensures the party line is upheld. These are the Military Affairs Commission, which controls the armed forces; the National People's Congress, or parliament; and the State Council, the government's administrative arm. Legal framework: The Constitution: The Constitution PRC allows for autonomy (Article 4 of the Constitution). Section 6, Chapter III (from Articles 112 to 122) gives more details on the governing of the Autonomous areas, in addition to the Constitution there is Law on Regional National Autonomy. In the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy: Article 2 Regional autonomy shall be practiced in areas where minority nationalities live in concentrated communities. National autonomous areas shall be classified into autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. All national autonomous areas are integral parts of the People's Republic of China Article 12 Autonomous areas may be established where one or more minority nationalities live in concentrated communities, in the light of local conditions such as the relationship among the various nationalities and the level of economic development, and with due consideration for historical background. Within a national autonomous area, appropriate autonomous areas or nationality townships may be established where other minority nationalities live in concentrated communities. Some residential areas and towns of the Han nationality or other nationalities may be included in a national autonomous area in consideration of actual local conditions. Article 15 The organs of self-government of national autonomous areas shall be the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. The people's governments of national autonomous areas shall be responsible to and report on their work to the people's congresses at corresponding levels and to the administrative organs of the State at the next higher level. When the people's congresses at corresponding levels are not in session, they shall be responsible to and report on their work to the standing committees of these people's congresses. The people's governments of all national autonomous areas shall be administrative organs of the State under the unified leadership of the State Council and shall be subordinate to it. The organization and work of the organs of self-government of national autonomous areas shall be specified in these areas' regulations on the exercise of autonomy or separate regulations, in accordance with the Constitution and other laws. Article 16 In the people's congress of a national autonomous area, in addition to the deputies from the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the administrative area, the other nationalities inhabiting the area are also entitled to appropriate representation. The number and proportion of deputies to the people's congress of a national autonomous area from the nationality exercising regional autonomy and from the other minority nationalities shall be decided upon by the standing committee of the people's congress of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, in accordance with the principles prescribed by law, and shall be reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record. Among the chairman and vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people's congress of a national autonomous area shall be one or more citizens of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area. Article 17 The chairman of an autonomous region, the prefect of an autonomous prefecture or the head of an autonomous county shall be a citizen of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned. Other posts in the people's government of an autonomous region, an autonomous prefecture or an autonomous county shall rationally be assumed by people of the nationality exercising regional autonomy and of other minority nationalities in the area concerned. The people's governments of national autonomous areas shall apply the system of giving overall responsibility to the chairman of an autonomous region, the prefect of an autonomous prefecture or the head of an autonomous county, who shall direct the work of the people's governments at their respective levels. Autonomous areas: There are five autonomous regions: Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Tibet; thirty autonomous prefectures and 120 autonomous counties in China. Minorities in China: Ethnic minorities in China refer to the non- HYPERLINK "" \o "Han Chinese" Han Chinese population in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Mainland China" mainland China and  HYPERLINK "" \o "Taiwan" Taiwan. The  HYPERLINK "" \o "People's Republic of China" People's Republic of China (PRC) officially recognizes 55  HYPERLINK "" \o "Ethnic minority" ethnic minority groups within  HYPERLINK "" \o "China" China in addition to the  HYPERLINK "" \o "Han Chinese" Han majority. As of 2005, the combined population of officially recognised minority groups numbered at 123.33 million, comprising of 9.44% of mainland China and Taiwan's total population. HYPERLINK "" \l "_note-OnePercent#_note-OnePercent" \o "" [1] In addition to these officially recognized ethnic minority groups, there are PRC nationals who privately classify themselves as members of  HYPERLINK "" \o "Undistinguished ethnic groups in China" unrecognized ethnic groups (such as  HYPERLINK "" \o "History of the Jews in China" Jewish,  HYPERLINK "" \o "Tuvans" Tuvan,  HYPERLINK "" \o "Oirat" Oirat and  HYPERLINK "" \o "Ili Turki" Ili Turki). Also, foreign nationals who have become Chinese citizens form yet another separate group. In general, the officially recognized ethnic minority groups reside within based on linguistic, ethnic and religious features, with the exception of the  HYPERLINK "" \o "Taiwanese aborigine" Taiwanese aborigines. The  HYPERLINK "" \o "Republic of China" Republic of China (ROC) in Taiwan officially recognises 13 Taiwanese aborigine groups, while the People's Republic of China classifies them all as a single ethnic minority group, the  HYPERLINK "" \o "Gaoshan" Gaoshan.  HYPERLINK "" \o "Hong Kong" Hong Kong and  HYPERLINK "" \o "Macau" Macau do not use this ethnic classification system, and figures by the PRC government do not include the two territories. These ethnic minority groups, together with the Han majority, make up the greater Chinese nationality known as  HYPERLINK "" \o "Zhonghua Minzu" Zhonghua Minzu. The absolute number of minorities in China over the past years is increasing due to two reasons (the one child family policy is not strictly applied to minorities so the birth rate of minorities is higher than average, and many people change their status to minorities in order to get preferential treatments). At the national level, the Mandarine Chinese language is the official working language. However, in autonomous areas, both minorities language and Mandarine Chinese can be used and minorities languages is preserved. The religion in China society is very complicated, in addtion to the main religions, there are hundreds of folk cults, sects practiced by Chinese and especially by Chinese minorities, in general the Government respects and give preferencial for minorities to practice their religious freedoms. One point should be mentioned here is that the Confucianism has a strong influence on Chinese society. The large proportion of minorities is living in Chinas underdeveloped western area, and it can expain why minorities is far left behind by the other parts of the population.  HYPERLINK ""  INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Some Questions for Discussing: As Yash Ghai says, In general, China has had considerable success in dealing with its minorities, and unrest or challenges to its authority have been limited. The protection of minorities rights is facing difficulties: - With a huge size of territory like China and the level of development, raising the awareness of human rights standards both for individual citizens and for civil servants require a lot of time and investment, - With the definition of nationality by the Chinese Government, there are people who do not fall in any of nationality how their rights are protected? - What is the relationship between the organs of self-government and the Communist Party Committee national autonomous areas? There are no provisions in the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy about this relationship. In fact, there is no law on limiting the power of Communist Party Committee in China. As the Communist Party Committee says, they are the leaders of Chinese society. The fact is that the Communist Party Committee is leader of governments both at the national level and local level. Another fact is that most of the secretaries of the Communist Party Committee in autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties especially in autonomous regions and autonomous prefectures are Han Chinese not coming from the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned. - What is the relationship between the central government or higher governments and the local autonomous governments? Though there are some provisions about the relationship between the central government or higher governments and the local autonomous governments in the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy, they are not very detailed about it. In fact, Chinese central government and higher governments have strong influence even control on the local authorities, for example, the secretaries of the Communist Party Committee in autonomous regions are usually appointed by the central government. - What is the relationship between the economic development and local minorities interests like the land right and the enjoyment of their own traditional lifestyle? Now China is focusing on the economic development. During the process of modernization especially the exploitation of the natural resources in minority areas, the governments at different levels especially the local autonomous governments are pursuing the economic development and neglecting even violating the land right and enjoyment of their own traditional lifestyle of local minorities. * The autonomous status of Tibetans and Xinjiang province: - The autonomy status of Tibet - Xinjiang: about 60 % of population in this province are manorities Reference books: Minorities Rights in Asia: A Comparative Legal Analysis, Joshua Castellino and Elvira Dominguez Redondo Nationalism and Ethnoregional Identities in China, edited by William Safran Multiculturalism in Asia, edited by Will Kymlicka & Baogan He The Constitution of PRC   HYPERLINK "", visiting on 21st Oct, 2007.   HYPERLINK "", visiting on 21st Oct, 2007.   HYPERLINK "", visiting on 21st Oct, 2007.  Ghai, Yash, Autonomy Regimes in China: Coping with Ethnic and Economic Diversity in Autonomy and Ethnicity. Negotiating Competing Claims in Multi-ethnic States, Yash Ghai (ed.), Cambridge: University Press 2000. Pp.78-98.     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