Telders International Moot Court Competition 2017 (10 ECTS-credits) - call for applications

Dear all,

This notice concerns the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition for 2017, to take place in The Hague on 18-20 May 2017.

The Telders International Law Moot Court Competition has become one of the most prestigious and important moot court competitions in Europe. Annually, teams from over 40 universities compete in the national rounds, with the winning teams going on to represent their countries in the international rounds held at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. Through the Competition students are educated in legal practice and such principles as the rule of law, civil society and fair play. The Competition also stimulates team-work and European integration. Students and academics consider participation important, a great honour and a wonderful experience of a friendly and international competition never to be forgotten.

Participants must have taken at least a course on Public International Law, or have taken Folkerett (JUROFF1410), or be currently enrolled in the JUS5540 Public International Law course.

Those interested in applying should send me by 31 October 2016, 5 pm at the latest, the following documents:

1. CV/resume, 2 pages maximum;

2. Statement of interest (why do you want to participate and what do you bring to the team), 250 words maximum;

3. Written motion exercise (650 words maximum, footnotes included): Assuming the roles of the two parties to the case, namely, Republic of Twiga and Republic of Pundamilia, discuss arguments on the following request filed by the Republic of Twiga: “By instituting proceedings against Mrs Fisi, Pundamilia breached the immunity from jurisdiction and the inviolability enjoyed by her under international law, notably the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and customary international law”. See Telders 2017 case at 

For Telders 2017, see:

Failure to comply with these requirements will disqualify you from the selection process.

The persons shortlisted will be invited for an oral motion exercise and interview on 7 and 8 November.

Best wishes,

Dr. Perez-Leon-Acevedo

Publisert 19. okt. 2016 11:27