Weekly plan for week 46

Dear All,
we hope this weekend has played out the best possible way for you all. Here follows an update with plans for this coming week. Please excuse us for  the length of this letter.

1) As you may have noticed, we extended the deadline for project 2 till November 20 at midnight. Note that we, by error, created random groups. This has been changed, please ignore that.
2) Project 3 is available and its deadline is set to December 17 at midnight. See https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/web/course.html and scroll down to project 3.
We have added extra scores for this project, meaning that you can get an additional 30 points if you do the optional exercise.
Note well that besides normal reasons for extensions (illness or similar valid reasons), we cannot make extensions beyond this data. If you hand in later than these deadlines, we will have to subtract points. 
3) For project 3, we would like to propose that we dedicate the lecture of Friday the 19th for a workshop on possible data sets and alternatives for project 3. If you have suggestions for topics and data sets you would to work on and possibly invite other people, please do send us an email about the topics not later than this coming Wednesday.

Last year we had a very interesting workshop with many presentations. These were (program 2020)

1)Maria Emine Nylund: Lego Bricks Classifier
2)Fabio Rodrigues Pereira: Financial Machine Learning
3)Markus Borud Pettersen: Machine Learning and Brain Grid Cells
J4)ing Sun and Endrias Getachew Asgedom: Machine learning-based approaches to denoising microseismic data
5)Felicia Jacobsen: Analysis of Breast Cancer Data
6)Simon Elias Schrader: Predicting atomization energies of molecules
7)Varvara Bazilova and Sergio Andres Diaz Mesa: Glacier Mapping and Machine Learning
8)Gert Werner Kluge, Hanna Alida Fossen Hardersen and Sushma Sharma Adhikari: Gamma ray signals stemming from dark matter in the galactic center

We wish to organize something similar this coming Friday. The presentations last typically 5-10 minutes (some 3-5 slides) with time for questions afterwards. Feel free to suggest topics.  We would appreciate if you could us your suggestions by this coming Wednesday, November 17.

Else, this coming week the schedule is

Thursday: Summary of Gradient Boosting with selected examples. Start support Vector Machines
Friday: Eventual Workshop on project 3. Discussion of project 3.
Note that on Thursday we will have only one lecture, from 1215pm to 1pm. There is no session 115pm-2pm.

Reading recommendations:
See lecture notes for week 46 at https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/web/course.html.
Hastie et al chapter 12
Bishop chapter 7.1 and 7.2

Cya all soon and best wishes for the week. Please don't hesitate to send us proposals for data sets. These workshop have been always been very interesting.

Morten et al

Publisert 14. nov. 2021 15:50 - Sist endret 14. nov. 2021 15:50