Change of deadline for project 2

Dear all, since many of you have asked for a small extension (and since we are delayed with the feedback, apologies from our side here), the regular deadline has been extended to Wednesday November 13 at midnight, that is 24 (or 12am). This is has been implemented in devilry as well (note that devilry has 2359 or 1159pm).

For those of you who have been sick or have other approved reasons the deadline is Friday November 15, at midnight (please upload however your github link to devilry by Wednesday).  


We hope this helps those of you who run into various problems this weekend.  The new deadline will not be changed however, else we end up with too many delays with project 3.  See also the weekly info to be sent out later today. Project 3 will be available this evening.


Best wishes,


Publisert 11. nov. 2019 04:59 - Sist endret 11. nov. 2019 04:59