New deadline project 3, December 18 at midnight

Dear all, we hope all is well with final exams and project 3. We have been made aware of the fact that many of you this year have exams close to our deadline for project 3, December 15 (there was an error in devilry btw). 


We decided thus to move the final deadline to December 18 at the devilrish time 2359 (1159pm), hoping this can be of help. That is the final deadline.  It will be updated soon in devilry.

If you have not received feedback on project 1 let us know. Feedback on P2 is being added as of now and by the end of this week it should be there. It has taken us more time than expected to finalize the feedback. With 130 participants and fantastic projects we have clearly underestimated the time it takes to wrap this up. Also, by our bylaws on grading, every project has to be graded by two of us. We apologize for the delay in obtaining the final feedback. Anyway, the quality on all projects is very high and we look forward at reading your final projects. 


Best wishes to you all,

the FYS-STK gang.

Publisert 11. des. 2019 08:53 - Sist endret 11. des. 2019 08:53