Plans for week 41

Dear all, we hope you have had a great weekend. The plans for this week are (although the deadline for project 1 has been extended to October 15)

Plans for week 41

Active learning sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday

  • Exercise on writing your own stochastic gradient and gradient descent codes. This exercise continues next week with studies of automatic differentiation and will be used in project 2
  • One lecture at the beginning of each session on the material from weeks 39 and 40 and how to write your own gradient descent code
  • Discussion of project 2
  • Your task before the sessions: revisit the material from weeks 39 and 40 and in particular the material from week 40 on stochastic gradient descent

Material for the lecture on Thursday October 12, 2023

We also recommend Michael Nielsen's intuitive approach to the neural networks and the universal approximation theorem, see the slides at


Best wishes to you all,

Adam, Daniel, Fahimeh, Ida, Karl Henrik, Mia and Morten


Publisert 9. okt. 2023 07:08 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 07:08