#!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Sun 27 Oct 2013. Script uses the forward euler method to solve the Schrodinger equation for a downwards potential step. Animation is done using the matplotlib.pyplot library. Usage: python ForwardEulerPotentialStep.py or equivalent: ./ForwardEulerPotentialStep.py No commandline arguments are needed. Notice how low the time step needs to be for the method to be stable. Try raising the timestep to 1e6 and see what happens. Also, compare with the needed time step for the Crank Nicolson method. Another thing to note is that when using this method for integration it is necessary to normalize the wave function for each time step. This is because the forward euler scheme does not contain the normalization. @author Benedicte Emilie Braekken """ # Tools for sparse matrices import scipy.sparse as sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg # Integration tool needed for normalization import scipy.integrate # Numerical tools from numpy import * # Plotting library from matplotlib.pyplot import * """Physical constants""" _E0p = 938.27 # Rest energy for a proton [MeV] _hbarc = 0.1973 # [MeV pm] _c = 3.0e2 # Spees of light [pm / as] def Psi0( x ): ''' Initial state for a travelling gaussian wave packet. ''' x0 = -0.1 # [pm] Starts at center. a = 0.0050 # [pm] l = 100000.0 # [1 / pm] A = ( 1. / ( 2 * pi * a**2 ) )**0.25 K1 = exp( - ( x - x0 )**2 / ( 4. * a**2 ) ) K2 = exp( 1j * l * x ) return A * K1 * K2 def potentialStep( x, depth=35 ): """ The potential for a downwards potential step. The depth of the step V can be given as an optional argument. @param depth The depth of the potential step. How far it drops. """ # Declare new empty array with same length as x potential = zeros( len( x ) ) # Only the last half of the potential is not zero (use slicing) potential[ 0.5 * len( potential ): ] = -depth return potential if __name__ == '__main__': nx = 1001 # Number of points in x direction dx = 0.001 # Distance between x points [pm] # Use zero as center, same amount of points each side a = - 0.5 * nx * dx b = 0.5 * nx * dx x = linspace( a, b, nx ) # Time parameters T = 0.01 # How long to run simulation [as] dt = 1e-7 # The time step [as] t = 0 time_steps = int( T / dt ) # Number of time steps # Fetch potential V = potentialStep(x) # Constants - save time by calculating outside of loop k1 = - ( 1j * _hbarc * _c) / (2. * _E0p ) k2 = ( 1j * _c * V ) / _hbarc # Create initial state Psi Psi = Psi0(x) # Initialize empty array for storing second derivative. `complex128` # argument necessary for calculations with complex numbers. D2Psi = zeros(nx).astype(complex128) # Precalculate indexes for finding second order derivative IND = arange(1,nx-1) INDP = arange(2,nx) INDM = arange(0,nx-2) # Put mmatplotlib in interactive mode for animation ion() # Setup the figure before starting animation fig = figure() # Create window ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Add axes line, = ax.plot( x, abs(Psi)**2, label='$|\Psi(x,t)|^2$' ) # Fetch the line object # Also draw a green line illustrating the potential ax.plot( x, V, label='$V(x)$' ) # Add other properties to the plot to make it elegant fig.suptitle("Solution of Schrodinger's equation with potential step") # Title of plot ax.grid('on') # Square grid lines in plot ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [pm]') # X label of axes ax.set_ylabel('$|\Psi(x, t)|^2$ [1/pm] and $V(x)$ [MeV]') # Y label of axes ax.legend(loc='best') # Adds labels of the lines to the window draw() # Draws first window # Dont plot all frames. Creates better "framerate" when dealing with # methods requiring low time step. PLOT_EVERY = 100 counter = 0 # Counter for drawing frames # Time loop while t < T: # Second order derivative D2Psi[IND] = (Psi[INDP]-2.*Psi[IND]+Psi[INDM])/dx**2 # Wavefunction after timestep Psi = Psi + dt*(k1*D2Psi+k2*Psi) # Normalize the new wave since this method doesnt keep normalization Psi /= scipy.integrate.simps(abs(Psi)**2, dx=dx) # Update time t += dt counter += 1 if counter == PLOT_EVERY: # Plot this new state line.set_ydata( abs(Psi)**2 ) # Update the y values of the Psi line draw() # Update the plot counter = 0 # Turn off interactive mode ioff() # Add show so that windows do not automatically close show()